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Warriors Unite - Again!

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Duskar's Avatarhypermode-12.pngDuskar
Duskar's Avatar
Hello! I'm Dingofur, or Dingo haha. It seems you've stumbled across our little Warriors Clan. How fitting a name. Well, whether you've read a single book, the entire series, anywhere in-between, or even none at all, you're welcome here. Talk about your favourite characters or books, analyse every mistake in the books, even make guesses at what will happen next in the series [keeping in mind that some people don't like spoilers, of course!]

The Code (or Rules)

Current Spoiler Ban Discussion regarding these books must be hidden by at least two clearly labelled hideboxes. For general reference, books have a hard spoiler ban for the three months following their release, after which it is optional to label spoilers. (NR) Not Released The Broken Code arc books: Veil Of Shadows (NR), Darkness Within (NR) Novellas: Daisy's Kin (NR), Mothwing's Secret (NR), Tree's Roots (NR), Pebbleshine's Kit (NR) Super Editions: Greystripe's Vow (NR) Graphic Novels: A Shadow In RiverClan (NR) ► Opinions, differing or similar, are to be respected. Debate and discuss as much as you like, just remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion! ► You don't actually have to be a member of our clan to participate! Feel free to pop in if you have to get a ship or theory off your chest!
🇦🇺 he/him they/them (unlicensed) | 21+ ||Avatar is official Ace Attorney anime screencap||
Duskar's Avatarhypermode-12.pngDuskar
Duskar's Avatar

Sup! You may have already gathered this, but my name is Dingo :) My WarriorSona is a lightly scarred ginger-and-white cat with green eyes. I have a crippling illness where I keep making OCs and never settle on a group for more than like two or three months at a time haha. I keep up to date with the series and have preordered the next books. I can't stay away from these stupid cats ;-; I don't personally care much for spoilers, never have. As far as liking characters, I tend to like antagonists more because edge. They could all use a fair bit of improvement but at the moment Darktail is my favourite villain. Fireheart/first arc Firestar is probably my favourite protagonist, sue me. Oh right and Dustpelt he's pretty neato haha. Also SkyClan's names are the best names change my mind. Billystorm and Rileypool are absolute chads of names.
If you wanna be added to the allegiances, just tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get into Warriors? Do you like making fanart, or are you more of a theory/headcanon kind of person? Let's get to know you :)

PokeFarmClan - bit of a list

Dingo Blue; Dingofur; a grumpy ginger-and-white cat with green eyes Sitten1115; Sephy SparklyWolf; Nightclaw wingull; Gingernose Wandering Galaxy Kodiyak Stormfang Silentshadow; Monarchwing gypsievannerz; Smallkit Nyan-Cat12; Dusk Feather AuracleOfBacon; Brightlegs Lilbug33; Windfox GumiTheCarrot; Spottedsky Crazy; Lostsong Meowthlover; Lavenderwillow floppingcat; Acaciastorm Lappy; Lavenderfall FlarinaFairy; Silverbird Katskip; Taggy KartalTheTrainer; Brightfire Icebreath123 Shishka; Pinecone Pusheen; Moonflower izu.ku; Birchpaw; a white marble kittypet-turned-warrior bengal cat undeustrois; Mapleflight Rewritten; Lunarheart Coonfex BlazeTheLion; Quietstream Cinderheart999 MamaWolfJuly31 Humbloom; Wolffrost; a brown cat with white paws and ice blue eyes Branble1996; Bramblepath murfijs Azozel; Sap Whitestorm; Treefrost magicswirls; Greycloud Glaciersong bkdz; Woodpelt merinque; Foxtail; red-and-white she-cat seji Giritina; Silverfeather optiical; Weaselpaw frayed; Swanfeather megapokemonfan; Echoear xKITTUx; Echolight ImaFishstick scorkaji; Spottedpelt Foxxshadow FezzyDragon
Duskar's Avatarhypermode-12.pngDuskar
Duskar's Avatar
Useful Links Warrior Cats books A fully up to date list of all released books, from mangas to field guides to the main series. Warrior Cats but in order! A fully up to date list of all released books, but this time in chronological order! To properly read the list, read down the left column until the book covers, then read down the right column. Move on to the next section, broken up by book covers, and repeat. Warriors Wiki A link to the biggest/most accurate Warriors Wiki. Read about the characters and books here. The wiki also provides lists of medicines used in the series, battle moves, hunting tactics, and fun trivia. Medicine (Warriors Wiki) Quick link to a list of all medicines mentioned in the series and their uses. Handy reference for any medicine cat owners ;3 Fighting Techniques (Warriors Wiki) Quick link to a list of fighting techniques mentioned in the series. Handy reference to jazz up your battle scenes beyond paw swipes and leaps! MEGA book download Google Drive to PDFs Can't afford to buy the books? Well it's a good thing people have taken the time and been kind enough to make them accesible for free online! It is recommended that you download the books to your device rather than open in-browser, though this is mostly for ease. All links and downloads have been tested by myself (as wellas others) and are safe to use. Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge will open PDF files without need for a dedicated program. For the Google Drive link, Google Docs will work perfectly fine and is a free download :) CREATE-A-CAT Flash Game One of the popular create-a-cat games by Neikoish on DeviantArt. Bring your character to life! Warrior Cats Movie The OFFICIAL page for the Warrior Cats movie, on the Warrior Cats website. It is guaranteed to be accurate as the website is the current official Warrior Cats website.
Duskar's Avatarhypermode-12.pngDuskar
Duskar's Avatar
Duskar's Avatarhypermode-12.pngDuskar
Duskar's Avatar
Contests! And Raffles, and Tournaments! Yay!

Current contest - VISUAL ART - End date 5th September 2017

Contest Time! This contest will be an art contest! Which means sketchy sketchies c: Or drawings, if you'd prefer. Theme I can't just let you draw something, because if you're anything like me, you probably don't know what to draw xD The theme of this contest is Prophecies and Omens What does that mean? Glad you asked! You are tasked with drawing a piece related to a prophecy or omen in any book - with the exception of the A Vision Of Shadows arc. This could be drawing the characters in question in epic poses, or their greater meaning. Or even the receiving of the sign. EG: Fire alone can save our clan You could go for Spottedleaf receiving the prophecy, when she and Bluestar are talking to each other. Or draw Firestar himself in a symbolic fire-like way. I don't really know how best to explain it? The only limitation is that you should be able to recognise the prophecy/omen, or make the connection after being told what it is. EG: Flaming reed When Mothwing and Leafpool discovered/interprepted "Flametail's" omen, the reed that kept smoldering despite rain. If you just drew a burning reed, it might be hard to recognise the omen since there have been so many. However, you should be able to make the connection upon stating that your artwork is of 'the burning reed', or something similar. I don't know to better describe this? Guidelines/Limitations Art may be traditional or digital, and any format in between [animation, abstract, anything you can think of that falls under 'visual art'] Judging Criteria Rather than myself judging all pieces on my own, I will host a StrawPoll or something so you can also vote! This will be an honour system - you may not vote for your own entry, and you may only vote once. If I suspect any tampering, all votes here will be null. Though you all will get to vote, it'll likely be my decision that holds slightly more weight. If lots of people like User A's art over User C's, then there must be something good about it? I will absolutely take user votes into consideration when deciding placings c: Quality of art isn't super important. It's mostly how well you stick to the theme - is the artwork recognisable as X prophecy or omen? Is it a powerful piece? Does it invoke emotions? All that fancy art stuff c: If I can, I will provide my own critique on art pieces, and how I personally think they could have been better in terms of the theme c: Prizes! Prizes are dependant on how many entries there are. Well, 'main' prizes anyway. All participants will receive a consolation prize of 50-100GP [depends on how many enter, subject to change] if they did not place. First place: 400ZC Second place: 250ZC Honourable mentions: 50ZC each You may request to swap out a ZC prize for GP if you so prefer, provided I have it at the time - the conversion ratio of 1ZC:5GP will be used c: If only three people enter [again] it'll simply be first-third, with third place winning 100ZC. Honourable mentions will only be in play if more than 6-7 people enter, and the Hon. Mentions prize will be in place of consolation prizes. Hopefully this makes sense? DUE DATE: 5/September/2017 23:59:59 SERVER TIME

First contest - WRITING - End date 5th July 2017


These are completely made up characters pulled from my mind. Any resemblance to OCs are purely coincidental These characters may change rank [eg. the prompt may require them as apprentices], but these are the adult descriptions. Any characters that don't have a description given? You have creative freedom to describe them however you wish. Tigertail; a dark ginger mackeral tabby female [green eyes] Basic Info; bright and sparky, Tigertail is always up for a challenge. She's stubborn and refuses to back down even if she's wrong. As expected, Tigertail is agile, especially adept at quickly scaling a tree. Greyheart; dark grey male [green eyes] Basic Info; Greyheart is a voice of reason to his siblings, Tigertail and Darkstorm. He's smart, and will often play 'peacekeeper' among not only Tigertail and Darkstorm, but also his clanmates. It's believed that Greyheart's levelheadedness could make him into a fine deputy, then leader. Darkstorm; dark grey-black male [amber eyes] Basic Info; it's easier to say that Darkstorm never grew out of a 'rebellious teenager' phase. Though not overly vocal about it, it's clear that he has his own ideas on wrong and right, and how things should be. He has a black and white view of things - it's either this or that, no inbetween. As expected, Darkstorm has quite the temper, misbehaving apprentices often bearing the brunt of his anger.


It's the first day of being an apprentice! Tigerpaw gets to go explore with her mentor, Stonefoot, while Greypaw [mentor; Brightpelt] and Darkpaw [mentor; Barkfur] have been made to do the usual apprentice jobs. How does their day go? Do they mess around? Or does Greypaw maybe have to talk Darkpaw out of doing something horrible? Or maybe something completely different! It's up to you! Tigertail has had kits! Unfortunately the father, Hazelwhisker, died of hypothermia [cold] before he even knew Tigertail was pregnant. How do Greyheart and Darkstorm react to the news? One of the siblings has a secret they're keeping, well, secret. The other two have noticed odd behaviour from him/her, and are determined to find out what this secret is.

Scoring Criteria

Marks will be given depending on how close you stick to the defined personalities [which are admittedly rather basic, allowing a bit of creative freedom] and information given, for the most part. Proper use of Warriors terms will see a nod in your direction, as will sticking close-ish to the books [eg. kits call their parents by their names, not 'mum' or 'dad'] [eg. maybe the dirtplace might see some screentime?] The length of the submission will not have any impact on scoring, unless you literally submit two lines that achieve nothing. I will definitely be reading and analysing these, though I'll try not to be too harsh c;


Artistic Freedom You are only required to use the information given - the names of the three main characters, and their basic descriptions. It is up to you to decide their clan, neighbouring clans, clanmates, ranks, and so forth. You may choose which time era [Early Settlers, Ancients, modern-day] the entry takes place in. Restrictions There are no restrictions on length - I assure you that I will be reading every single one of these entries. Provided you can tell the story, the length doesn't matter. The given prompts are not the only options for what to write to about - they are mostly there to provide, well, a prompt. I know I struggle writing without a prompt, so I thought it nice to include three different ones for you. Entries Entries must be received BY the end date [5th July]. Entries made after 5/Jul/2017 23:59:59 [SERVER TIME] will be null/void. All entries will be added to the 'Creativity Den', unless you specify for this not to happen. Entries must be posted here and will not be accepted through PM/external methods, due to validation rules. Please list your entry in a hidebox, clearly labelled as being an entry. [hide=TITLE] contents [/hide]
Duskar's Avatarhypermode-12.pngDuskar
Duskar's Avatar
Though I intend to tidy up the first posts a bit more, I should probably announce this as 'officially open!' To kickstart conversation right from the get-go, let's start with two topics - one about a certain cat, and one about the clans. Jayfeather - the ever so popular edgy dude. What is your opinion of him? Or maybe the actions he's taken? Which clan do you think is the most underrated, and why? What clan would you like to see more of? [Includes Tribe of Rushing Water, BloodClan, and SkyClan]
Sitten1115's AvatarSitten1115
Sitten1115's Avatar
My username is Sitten1115 but I can be called Sitten or Sephy. I'd probably be a rogue, going by Sephy. I've read through Omen of the Stars and need to catch up real bad. Don't really have favorite or least favorite characters. As for Crookedstar's original name
, well I can't seem to remember. I hope this is ok, I'm bad at words
Check out my shop for free dex trades! Credit for current avatar here
Signature by CatEnergetic, with help from Wardove. Art by Miasaurus.
SparklyWølf's AvatarSparklyWølf
SparklyWølf's Avatar
Username: SparklyMarli Warrior name: Nightclaw What's the farthest book you've read?: It's been a while, rereading now, Into the wild just read What side books have you read?: (Guides, Super Editions, Manga) Not yet... Favorite Cat(s)?: Fireheart, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Barley Least Favorite Cat(s)?: Tigerclaw and co. Password or something?: Stormkit Other: Will make art and FF

Here is example:

My Little DragonCave Buddies!


Avatar by chrisCrossed for me, used with permision. 70% of the world thinks Warrior Cats is stupid. 25% say: "Who cares?". Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hard cover copy of Warrior Cats and slap the other people saying: "STARCLAN IS OUT FOR REVENGE!”
wingull's Avatarwingull
wingull's Avatar
Hi, I'm altias! I usually go by the same, or 'alt', or 'Tansy', depending on the company. I was here before as Gingernose, I think under the medicine cat role O: My favorite cat... There's not a lot, but I'd like to say Pebble Heart. My least favorite would probably be Crowfeather. I use they/them pronouns and would be really happy if you all would use those for me! Other than that, I have nothing else. Oh yeah, Wasn't Crookedstar Stormkit?
"we'll figure somethin' out yeah just you and me so we can run away" - rowan / 22 yr / they/them code + icon by me
ObsessedFox's Avatarhypermode-12.pngObsessedFox
ObsessedFox's Avatar
Username/what you want to be called [nickname] -My name Kaiona you can call me Kai Warrior name [or apprentice name, or maybe you're a kit or non-clan cat?] - I'm not sure I'll probably stick to being a non-clan as I don't know what name to identify myself as in the clan yet Favourite/least favourite characters [optional] - Not sure my fave character will probably Fireheart/star as I mostly know him How far you've read [optional] - Sadly I've only read "Into The Wild" but that was a long time ago and I have no way to continue reading the books as I don't have the collection or anyway to read them :/ Any other things you'd like to include - I don't know much but I just love warriors I can't seem to remember Crookedstar's original name as a kit...Do you think you could tell me? - Is this some kind of password? Cause if it is I'm not to sure but I believe it is Stormkit?
Fox | She/They | Bi I love and hoard all the foxes <3
Im a fox in disguise 🦊🦊🦊 Avatar is my OC Tsukiko for my made by Lilypadlife for my use only <3
My lil fox Akata
originally created by @IconicAnemone; Chao created by @Animela

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