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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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[Handicap removed - Chance Encounter] "Sure thing, you know how it goes, safety in numbers and all that, besides, what have I got to lose hanging around someone? Nothing I imagine." Moving from where they were, Celere pondered on many things, the lack of her abilities, this weird female going on about things she plainly didn't understand, many things really, it was no surprise as she listened to the explanation on some yellow bird that she tripped over an exposed root, falling face into the dirt below. Muffled cursing coming from the disgraced half-saiyan. Pushing herself up from her predicament, ready to start laying into whatever tree had irritated her, she noticed the bracer of leaves surrounding her broken hand, soothing it somewhat, unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing she noticed, an extra appendage had started swinging from above her rear end, this in itself caused her heart rate to skyrocket in panic as he eyes shot upwards towards the sky, "Oh good, no moon, must still be day, I'm gonna state this right here and now, do NOT. EVER. let me look at a full moon."
Cyrus let out a small scream of pain as the sunlight hit his eyes abruptly, not like the dark building he had been in a few seconds earlier.He slowly managed to open his eyes after a couple of minutes of sitting on the ground, and trying to force them open in different increments, but to no avail. Strangely anything beyond a few feet away from him was now blurry and distorted, which was unusual because normally he had amazing eyesight, being able to see things most others wouldn't notice.He let out another grunt as his eyes still slightly stung from the unwelcome light that had barraged him just moments ago.He reached into his pocket and dug around until he pulled out his purple rimmed glasses, which he thought he would never need again, and placed them over his eyes, clearing up his vision once more. He realized as he looked around for the first time, still slight stinging pestering his eyes, he had lost both of his knives he usually carried around for protection.He swallowed nervously, "Great, vulnerable....."He mumbled to himself.
Still have nothing else to really say.....
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Serenity had awoken that morning in the Tavern's living quarters, thoroughly uncomfortable, she had been in this world for a few weeks now, but the lack of her powers still threw her off a bit, even if she was slowly regaining them piece by piece... Not that she minded, she quite enjoyed not being top... fox... in her field, and a title didn't get you anywhere in this world either, she actually preferred having to put in honest to goodness hard work to get anywhere here! "Innkeep! Need anything done around here? Or do I have the day off today?" the next few hours were spent with a mop and broom cleaning the bar floor from the patrons the night before, putting glasses away and the like, not even taking a break for a past-time of hers that other people would slowly die for doing, by the time she'd finished earning her pay and keep for the innkeep, she was filthy and smelled like it too, so a shower was in order, and she took her time with it, fur was considerably harder to get sufficiently clean that simple skin. "Alright, I'm off out for a bit, ne-" she was interrupted by the innkeep, who needed her to go collect a few medicinal herbs from the Zenkhar Forest, she was planning on going out that way anyway so... 30 to 45 minutes later, the Kitsune was heading into the forest, the tree roots and foliage moving aside to grant her the entry she needed, her ears pricked up on something though, a muffled scream? Probably some stupid poacher trying their luck again, stupid fools... A decent amount of time passed, collecting the herbs and a few mushrooms that she knew the apothecary needed for whatever reason, her ears pricked up again, sealing the two pouches, she swiftly dove into a bush and made herself as small as possible, a swirling green energy already bursting to life in her spare hand, whatever infidel dared to be in here had better be ready for a world of pain, she knew quite well how to make Wind Magic cut harder than steel...
Cyrus also took note of the environment he had suddenly been placed in, a strange looking forest."Wow just keeps getting better and better...."He said, as it dawned on him that now he couldn't even "find" any useful items, because he was in the middle of a forest, where the only things he had heard so far were woodland creatures.And he sincerely doubted one would be strapped out with loot.So Cyrus struggled up to his feet and had began to walk further into the tree filled land scale ahead, when he heard a group of bushes rustle....
Hikari's AvatarHikari
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"You alright?" Mizuki asked. "And huh, what's wrong with a full moon? What are you, some kind of werewolf?" She added the last part jokingly, although she was curious. -- Lynn landed on her back on the cold ground with a loud thud. "Darn it, I really need to work on my landing..." she said softly before opening her eyes and getting on her feet. A dense fog was all around her, sending a chill down her spine. She reached for her glasses and put them on, expecting to be able to see through the fog clearly, but nothing changed. "What the...Guys? My glasses don't seem to be working, where are you?" There was no response from anyone. "Teddie? Are you there? Yu? Anyone?" Still no response. That was strange, she was certain she'd entered from the same TV as always in Junes, so why wasn't Teddie here at least? And her friends were supposed to follow her right away. 'Well, I better move to find a TV and get back to Inaba..', she thought as she took a few steps into the direction where she believed she'd landed from. However, after just a few steps, she noticed there was no solid ground beneath her anymore, and before she could even think of retracing her steps, she landed into the cold water of a river with a splash.
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
The female wasn't far off with the werewolf assumption, except werewolves merely had to be hit a single moon-beam, her pure-blooded relatives... just looked at it, and she remembered the first time she saw an Oozaru, it terrified her, the lack of control, the bestial roots, all of it... "Yesh I'm fine, you're not far off with the Werewolf assumption, try giant killer uncontrollable potentially planet-busting ape." she shuddered for a moment before continuing, "I was born without this thing and I've never had it in my life, so chances are, should I turn into the Oozaru, I'll... lose myself..." --- Meanwhile the Kitsune remained lying in wait, ignoring the distinctive soaking of water her back had gotten and the clinging of her robes, a much as it made her hackles raise it was not currently her focus, quietly murmuring to herself in such a soft voice that it could easily have been mistaken for a breeze "Alight bright and warm flame... unburning, be a light in this time." underneath her a small flame did in fact spring to life, setting fire to nothing, in the bush Serenity maintained her look-out while stripping her robes off, hanging them over the small self-created flame to dry as she waited.
Cyrus glanced around, trying to pinpoint were exactly the rustling had come from.Now when he did locate a section of bushes, there was another one not to far off, and one closer to that one.This really made Cyrus miss his extraordinary eye sight he had had before he got here.Because he could of easily found whatever creature lurked in the distance,or in the bushes around him.But alas, Cyrus would have no such luck due to the fact his eyesight had been reverted to the terrible kind he had been born with.He gave another quick glance around, but decided not to call out into the dense forest around him, so he wouldn't draw Amy attention to him self.Just in case it was an animal that wouldn't hesitate to attack him.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Serenity kept her vigil, her robes drying in record time, now clothed again, she kept her ears open, listening for any sign of trouble, she got that sign when she heard the telltale sign of something headed towards her... Gracefully placing a hand on the group and flipping backwards, she thanked her lucky stars she was what she was, a spear was firmly embedded where she had been just moments before, "Knew it, poachers... WELL COME ON THEN!" the rustling of several bushes followed by the yells of males charging in her direction caused her to smirk a little, coating herself in a cloak of wind, she got herself ready for battle. [Serenity is now in combat vs. 6 Humanoid Poachers, a Soldier amongst them. 5 Turns Remaining] Sizing up her opponents, the Kitsune readied her hands with Magical energies, inwardly wishing she had some help with this, she could take multiple opponents sure, but the Spear Wielder would be problematic, this group was clearly organised, certainly not common rabble... "Alright then, pick on the skinny chick, she won't fight back!" a bolt of fire permanently silenced the infidel as the body hit the floor, a malicious smirk adorning the now darkened kitsune's face, "Sure about that? I recommend you rethink your life choices."
Cyrus jumped out of surprise as he heard a shout from nearby,"Poachers?"he questioned as he heard a nearby voice,"What is going on today...."he said with sigh.But something struck him as odd, why would the prey be able to speak?"God, today just keeps getting weirder."he said as he moved to investigate the nearby commotion.Cyrus ducked behind some bushes though, at the sound of voices as well as a thunk as an object hit the ground."Regretting this in 3...2....1..."Cyrus then poked his head through the shrubbery, to be greeted by the sight of an on going battle, of six poachers in combat with what looked....a small cat,/girl hybrid?The girl,as he would refer to her until he was sure what she was, looked to be young.He couldn't determine the exact age, but it looked to be below the double digits.He kept what eyesight he had left trained on the ongoing fight, to observe and perhaps step in if things got rough.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
[Serenity is now in combat vs. 5 Humanoid Poachers, a Soldier amongst them. 4 Turns Remaining] As much as she had control a few moments ago, the poachers were quickly gaining the upper hand, several elemental bolts were fired at her attackers, successfully killing a second but the rest had cottoned on by now, one of them managing to sneak around behind her as her wind cloak wore off, grabbing her arms and placing a hand over her mouth to shut her up, a second took the opportunity to land several hard blows to her stomach, letting their adversary go, they began to taunt her as she fell to her knees, gasping for breath from the onslaught... *Damn... let my guard down, could really use some help right now, to hell with it.* shakily getting back on her feet, she wasted no time in blowing up a third with a concentrated fire spell, but that was the last of her reserves, resigning herself to death, she looked the Soldier dead in the face, a dark look on her face and she continued to breath shallowly, a second wind would be really useful right about now...

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