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Site Skins: How-To, and Helpful CSS

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Corviknight's AvatarCorviknight
Corviknight's Avatar

The Basics

In order to find colors, use an online color picker such as this site, or simply google 'Color Picker'. If you have a specific image that you want to grab colors off of, try this site. You will want the 6-character hexadecimal code (such as #FF7A7A). Paste this into the corresponding boxes to change its color.

Custom CSS Tips

If your site skin is created by someone else, you are unable to use custom CSS since you cannot edit it. However, if you would like to recreate the skin so that you can add CSS, you can find exact colors in the .less file, which makes it very easy to replicate. You can find the .less file for your skin with a bit of URL 'hacking': for example, my user ID is Kp and my skin name is domino, so the .less file URL is 'https://pfq-static.com/skins/user/K/p/domino/__colours.less'. You can also find the URL by going to 'Inspect Element' -> Sources -> pfq-static.com -> the skins folder, and then by finding the 'sally.css' file. You'll find a file called something like this: 'https://pfq-static.com/skins/user/K/p/domino/index/sally.css/t=1510678113'. You can remove the 't=...' at the end, as well as the 'index/sally.css/' bit. Once you have that first part of the URL, add '/__colours.less' to the end. Otherwise, you can colorpick directly from the site with a Chrome extension or Inspect Element, as well as screenshotting a picture of your skin and grabbing the colors from an image. One of the most valuable things that site skins allow us to do is to implement our own custom CSS and modify aspects of the site to our liking. This means that we can hide elements that we dislike, change images to certain things, highlight special URLS, or expedite clicking by rearranging elements. All custom CSS goes in the tab labeled 'Extra CSS'. Any code that you need to modify is underlined. Otherwise, just copy and paste. If you have useful CSS that others could benefit from, let me know and I can add it here.

>> Ease of Access

Party Clicking Modification


#multiuser .pkmn { display:none; } #multiuser .name { display:none; } #multiuser .expbar { display:none; } #multiuser .taste { display:none; } #multiuser .party { width:300px; } #multiuser .party>div { width:211px; } #multiuser .party>div:nth-child(1) { border-top-right-radius:6px; } #multiuser .party>div:nth-child(2) { border-top-right-radius:0px; border-top-width:0px; } #multiuser .party>div:nth-child(5) { border-bottom-left-radius:0px; } #multiuser .party>div:nth-child(6) { border-bottom-left-radius:6px; } #multiuser .party>div:nth-child(2n+1) { border-right-width:1px; } #multiuser .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons>.tooltip_content { display:none; }
CSS Effect: Condenses all party Eggs and Pokemon into a single line when clicking on the Multi-Profile feature. This does not affect regular userpage viewing, allowing you to check someone's party if necessary. Special thanks to Rokon for this code Preview:

Hide Disliked Berry in Party Clicking


.party>div>.action>.berrybuttons { text-align:center; } .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons[data-up='sour']>[data-berry='aspear'], .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons[data-up='spicy']>[data-berry='cheri'], .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons[data-up='dry']>[data-berry='chesto'], .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons[data-up='sweet']>[data-berry='pecha'], .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons[data-up='bitter']>[data-berry='rawst'] { width:100%; } .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons:not([data-up='sour'])>[data-berry='aspear'], .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons:not([data-up='spicy'])>[data-berry='cheri'], .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons:not([data-up='dry'])>[data-berry='chesto'], .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons:not([data-up='sweet'])>[data-berry='pecha'], .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons:not([data-up='bitter'])>[data-berry='rawst'] { display:none; } .party>div>.action>.berrybuttons[data-up='any']>[data-berry] { display:inline-block; }
CSS Effect: Hides all berries that are not preferred by a Pokemon. In the event that a Pokemon is 'any' preferenced, it is not affected. It also expands the width of the preferred berry to take up all of the space. Note: This does not affect keyboard clicking; it is still possible to click the wrong berry that way. Preview:

Field Clicking Modification


@padding: 50px; #field_berries.selected ~ #field_field[data-mode="public"]>div.field>.fieldmon { margin:-@padding!important; left:45%!important; top:45%!important; img { animation:none!important; padding:@padding!important; } } #field_berries { position:relative; z-index:12; } #field_nav button[data-action=next], #field_nav button[data-action=previous], #field_nav button[data-action=jump] { position:relative; z-index:10; } #field_party { position:relative; z-index: 11; }
CSS Effect: Centers all of a field's Pokemon into a single stack in the center of the screen after clicking a berry. This modification only affects public fields, not private fields. Additionally, it increases the clickbox of the Pokemon, allowing for quick tapping on mobile. Note: For better clicking results on desktop, download a keybinding program and set multiple keys to the same number (1-5). This means you can mash multiple keys in addition to clicking. By default, I have set the additional padding to 50 pixels; if you would like to increase or decrease this amount, modify the '@padding: 50px;' to a number to your liking. Special thanks to Rokon and DrWho for help with this code Preview: For those who prefer not to have one giant pile:


@padding:50px; #field_berries.selected ~ #field_field[data-mode="public"]>div.field>.fieldmon[data-flavour*="sour-"], #field_berries.selected ~ #field_field[data-mode="public"]>div.field>.fieldmon[data-flavour*="any-"]{ left:0%!important; top:45%!important; margin:-@padding!important; transition:none!important; img { animation:none!important; padding:@padding!important; } } #field_berries.selected ~ #field_field[data-mode="public"]>div.field>.fieldmon[data-flavour*="spicy-"]{ left:20%!important; top:45%!important; margin:-@padding!important; transition:none!important; img { animation:none!important; padding:@padding!important; } } #field_berries.selected ~ #field_field[data-mode="public"]>div.field>.fieldmon[data-flavour*="dry-"]{ left:40%!important; top:45%!important; margin:-@padding!important; transition:none!important; img { animation:none!important; padding:@padding!important; } } #field_berries.selected ~ #field_field[data-mode="public"]>div.field>.fieldmon[data-flavour*="sweet-"]{ left:60%!important; top:45%!important; margin:-@padding!important; transition:none!important; img { animation:none!important; padding:@padding!important; } } #field_berries.selected ~ #field_field[data-mode="public"]>div.field>.fieldmon[data-flavour*="bitter-"]{ left:80%!important; top:45%!important; margin:-@padding!important; transition:none!important; img { animation:none!important; padding:@padding!important; } }
CSS Effect: Sorts into individual piles depending on what berry a Pokemon prefers; again, this only takes place in Public fields. Preview:

Alert presence of Shinies, etc. in Shelter


#shelterarea .pokemon+.tooltip_content { display:block; visibility:hidden } #shelterarea .pokemon.lock+.tooltip_content, #shelterarea .pokemon:hover+.tooltip_content { visibility:visible; } #shelterarea:not(.selected) .pokemon+.tooltip_content img:not([src*=gender]) { visibility:visible; float:left; transform:scale(15); opacity:.75; transform-origin:bottom left; -ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor; image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges; image-rendering:pixelated; touch-action:none; pointer-events:none; }
CSS Effect: When a Pokemon is Shiny, Albino, Melanistic, Delta, Mega, Starter (meaning it was a user's very first egg), or Prehistoric, the respective icon is shown overlaying the shelter in the bottom left corner. The symbol that appears corresponds to what icon the special Pokemon has. Preview: In this example, the CSS shows a Prehistoric icon to indicate a revived fossil on the page. Big thanks to DrWho for creating this code

Organize Shelter to a Grid


#shelterarea { min-height: 350px; display: flex; flex-direction:row; flex-flow: row wrap; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr); grid-template-rows: repeat(5, 70px); } .mq2 #shelterarea { min-height: 175px; grid-template-rows: repeat(5, 35px); } #shelterarea .tooltip_content { position: absolute; bottom: 0; transform: translate(0, 100%); } #shelterpage #shelter #shelterarea > .pokemon { position: static; flex: 1 1 16%; display: inline-block; display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } #shelterpage #shelter #shelterarea:before { display: none; }
CSS Effect: Organizes all of the Pokemon in the Shelter into a grid format. Additionally, the order of the Pokemon correlates to how long they've been in the shelter. Preview: Big thanks to DrWho for creating this code

Disable font-size BBCode

If you want to prevent the [size] BBCode from being used across the site:


span[style*="font-size"] { font-size: 1rem !important; }
This essentially disables that BBCode in forum posts, about me's, and anywhere that [size] BBCode can be inputted.

>> Customization

Notification Icon Modification


#head-social > #notifs > a { background-image: url('URL HERE'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #head-social > #notifs > a > img { opacity: 0; }
CSS Effect: Changes the Shuffle Absol notification icon to an image of your choice. Preview:

URL Color Change


a[href="URL HERE"] { color: COLOR HERE; } a:visited[href="URL HERE"] { color: COLOR HERE; }
CSS Effect: Changes the color of a certain link to whatever you choose.

Header Bar Text Fix


#navigation > #navbtns > li > a > span, #navigation > #navbookmark > li > a > span, #counters>#counterlist>li>.counter_item>span { font-size:10pt!important; width:100%!important; transform: scaleX(1)!important; } #header { font-size:10pt!important; }
CSS Effect: Gets rid of the stretched text on the header and reduces its size. Example:

Hiding Page Elements


ELEMENT NAME { display:none; }
CSS Effect: Hides a certain element of the page. In order to find the name of the thing you want to hide, right click on it and select 'Inspect Element'. Specific Examples


#announcements > ul > li[data-name="Contest Voting"] { display: none; } #announcements > ul > li[data-name="Contest Sign-Up"] { display: none; }


#announcements > ul > li[data-name="Tournament"] { display: none; }


.party>[data-pid]>.expbar>span>span.small { display:none; }


.party>div:hover>.action a[data-berry]::after { border-color:transparent; }


div.signature > div.bbcode { display:none; }


button#dceggrelease { display:none; }

Recoloring the Trainer Card

Update 4/28; The old version of this CSS conflicts with the rank update for trainer cards. This has been remedied.


#trainercard>div.tc-ballicon, #trainercard>div.tc-ballicon:before, #trainercard>div.tc-header { background-color: COLOR HERE !important; border: WEIGHT IN PXpx COLOR HERE !important; color: COLOR HERE !important; } #trainercard>div.tc-name { color:COLOR HERE !important; } #trainercard>div.tc-joined, #trainercard>div.tc-starter, #trainercard>div.tc-rank, #trainercard>div.tc-sprite, #trainercard>div.tc-badges { background-color: COLOR HERE !important; color: COLOR HERE !important; border: WEIGHT IN PXpx COLOR HERE !important; } #trainercard:before, #trainercard>div.tc-ballicon:after { background-color: COLOR HERE !important; border: WEIGHT IN PXpx COLOR HERE !important; } #trainercard>div.tc-status, #trainercard { border: WEIGHT IN PXpx solid COLOR HERE !important; background-color: COLOR HERE !important; }
CSS Effect: Changes the weird purple trainer card to be whatever color you want. Very useful if you want it to match your skin better. Preview:

Changing Field Images


//???-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="unknown"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Normal-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="normal"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Fire-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="fire"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Water-type Field (1st style) #field_field>div.field[style*="water1"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Water-type Field (2nd style) #field_field>div.field[style*="water2"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Electric-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="electric"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Grass-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="grass"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Ice-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="ice"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Fighting-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="fighting"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Poison-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="poison"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Ground-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="ground1"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Flying-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="flying"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Psychic-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="psychic"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Bug-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="bug"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Rock-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="rock"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Ghost-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="ghost"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Dragon-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="dragon"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Dark-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="dark"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Steel-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="steel"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; } //Fairy-type Field #field_field>div.field[style*="fairy"] { background-image: url("IMG SRC") !important; background-size:cover; }
CSS Effect: Alters fields' background to an image of your choice.

>>Pokemon Modifications

Make Shelter Pokemon Stand Out


#shelterarea > .pokemon > img[src*="IMAGE CODE.png"]{ //Specific Code Here }
First of all, you need to change 'IMAGE CODE'. What I mean by this is essentially a piece of the image URL: Alternatively, you can find a comprehensive list of egg codes here. If you are looking for Bishop's code which highlights by type, go here. In this example, I am targeting a Furfrou egg. The piece of the URL '6/p/n' is what I need to paste for a Furfrou egg. This means that the particular bit of code would look like this:


#shelterarea > .pokemon > img[src*="6/p/n.png"]{ //This selects the Furfrou egg only! }
Now, it's time to actually modify the Furfrou egg in the shelter! Here are some examples of what you can paste between the curly brackets:


#shelterarea > .pokemon > img[src*="6/p/n.png"]{ height:100px; }
Which increases the size of Furfrou eggs like so:


#shelterarea > .pokemon > img[src*="6/p/n.png"]{ box-shadow: 0px 0px 50px 25px yellow; background-color: yellow; border-radius:100%; }
This adds a noticeable highlight to the egg or Pokemon you specify:


#shelterarea > .pokemon > img[src*="6/p/n.png"]{ animation: linear hueshift 1s infinite; } @keyframes hueshift { from { filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } to { filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } }
There are a lot of ways to animate something-- see this tutorial if you're interested. This particular example makes the image change in hue, such as the following:
Additionally, Audino provided an animation that makes an egg jump up and down:


@-webkit-keyframes bounce { 0% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-100%);} 5% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-100%);} 15% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0);padding: 4px auto;} 20% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-80%);} 25% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0%);padding: 4px auto;} 30% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-70%);} 35% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0%);padding: 5px auto;} 40% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-60%);} 45% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0%);padding: 5px auto;} 50% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-50%);} 55% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0%);padding: 6px auto;} 60% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-30%);} 65% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0%);padding: 6px auto;} 70% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-15%);} 75% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0);padding: 8px auto;} 80% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-10%);} 85% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0);padding: 8px auto;} 90% {-webkit-transform:translateY(-5%);} 95% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0);padding: 10px;} 100% {-webkit-transform:translateY(0);padding: 10px;} } #shelterarea > .pokemon > img[src*="2/h/9.png"]{ -webkit-animation: bounce 3s ease-out; -moz-animation: bounce 800ms ease-out; -o-animation: bounce 800ms ease-out; animation: bounce 3s ease-out; }
This makes an egg bounce upon finding it in the Shelter, like so: Special thanks to Meu, BananaLizard, and Audino

Modifying a Particular Pokemon's Image


.party>div[data-pid*="INSERT ID"]>.pkmn>.pokemon, #field_party>div>div.slot[data-id*="INSERT ID"]>div, #field_field>div.field>.fieldmon[data-id*="INSERT ID"]>img { filter: INSERT ARGUMENTS; }
The 'ID' referred to is simply the ID found at the end of a Pokemon's URL: https://pokefarm.com/summary/LFH7V There can be many different arguments for the filter modifier: see here for a full explanation, but some you may use include contrast, hue-rotate, brightness, grayscale, or invert. For example, if you wanted to rotate the hue of the image by 60 degrees and reduced the brightness to 25% of its original value, the syntax would look like this:


.party>div[data-pid*="INSERT ID"]>.pkmn>.pokemon, #field_party>div>div.slot[data-id*="INSERT ID"]>div, #field_field>div.field>.fieldmon[data-id*="INSERT ID"]>img { filter: hue-rotate(60deg) brightness(25%); }
This would result in the following transformation:
You can also add animations if you want a rainbow Pokemon (or something like that).

Replace a Pokemon's Image


.party>div[data-pid*="INSERT ID"]>.pkmn>.pokemon, #field_party>div>div.slot[data-id*="INSERT ID"]>div, #field_field>div.field>.fieldmon[data-id*="INSERT ID"] { background-image:url("INSERT URL")!important; background-position: center 75%; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 100px; width: 100px; } .party>div[data-pid*="INSERT ID"]>.pkmn>.pokemon::before, #field_party>div>div.slot[data-id*="INSERT ID"]>div::before, #field_field>div.field>.fieldmon[data-id*="INSERT ID"]>img { opacity:0; }
The 'ID' referred to is simply the ID found at the end of a Pokemon's URL: https://pokefarm.com/summary/LFH7V This replaces an image on its summary page, the party page, and in the Fields: If the alignment on the podium looks off, try tweaking the second 'background-position' value to be higher or lower.

ARCHIVED-- Scripts

NOTE: These scripts are NOT CSS-based, and do NOT have anything to do with site skins. They require an extension called 'Tampermonkey' which allows you to inject scripts into the site. While all of these scripts are safe, please be careful with custom scripts that you use, because they have the potential to harm your computer or steal your information. In general, I do not recommend this script because it is not compatible with mobile browsers and its function is better accomplished through CSS. Please look above for 'Alert presence of Shinies, etc in Shelter'.

Identifying Shinies/etc. in the Shelter


// ==UserScript== // @name shiny alert // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description pokefarm stuff // @author You // @match https://pokefarm.com/shelter // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var shelter= null; var next = document.getElementById("sheltercommands"); setInterval(function() { shelter = document.getElementById("shelterarea").getElementsByClassName("tooltip_content"); for(var i=0; i < shelter.length; i++) { if(next.innerHTML.length<500 && (shelter[i].innerHTML.includes("shiny.png")||shelter[i].innerHTML.includes("albino.png")||shelter[i].innerHTML.includes("melanistic.png")||shelter[i].innerHTML.includes("/_delta/")||shelter[i].innerHTML.includes("prehistoric.png")||shelter[i].innerHTML.includes("mega.png")||shelter[i].innerHTML.includes("starter.png"))) { next.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', "<div style='position:absolute; left:50%; transform:translate(-50%);'><img src='https://pfq-static.com/img/misc/goldstar.png'> on page</div>"); } }}, 100); })();
As-is, the code targets the following special Pokemon:
  • Shiny
  • Albino
  • Melanistic
  • Delta
  • Prehistoric
  • Starter (Green Bulb)
  • Mega
Whenever one of these Pokemon are on the page, the following dialogue will appear by the shelter buttons:

Before you ask:

1. Did you clear your cache? 2. Did you make sure that all of the CSS looks identical to what you copied from this post? 3. Have you checked for an answer in the last couple pages of the thread? If not, please ask! We're happy to help.
official project sekai art; icon is official TCG art
he/him + 22 + cst
I already use all of this css, but I do have to say thank you for posting it altogether. Now others may be able to use the same useful codes. I used to average about 50k clicks without the field clicking css and now I do about 150k on a good day since I don't have to worry about unstacked fields. Party clicking is also way easier when I'm on mobile (I only party click when I'm on my phone) so I do that a little bit before I get to my computer and it helps me throughout the day :p I had messed around with the berry one for a while before I saw Rokons post in another guide on massclicking, and I couldn't figure out how to make them stack on their own (I removed the fields and that solved that problem...) but that affected my personal fields too. So I gotta say people who play around with these things and know what they are doing, are real life-savers when it comes to this game XD So once again, thank you for posting this so everyone has everything altogether!
Avatar of a Bannette/Tyranitar Fusion was made by BumbleJuice Avatar of a Tyranitar/Grimmsnarl Fusion was made by AmazedFurz Avatar of the Goodra Fusion was made by SailorSCTk Avatar of Flurbet was made by Cynda
Corviknight's AvatarCorviknight
Corviknight's Avatar
It seems like everyone I give this CSS to loves it, so I figured it would be best put in this guide. I know I find it extremely helpful myself. For the field code, Rokon figured out how to align them in a stack, DoctorWho helped so that it only applied to public fields, and I added the padding and messed with other things that affected that. It's a group effort. :p It also seems like people are constantly asking about certain bits of CSS too (like the notification icon), so hopefully this can be a starting point for those people. I'm glad you find it helpful! C:
BrinnaSilvio's AvatarBrinnaSilvio
BrinnaSilvio's Avatar
Here's some of the CSS I have for skins in my journal. Some of it overlaps a bit with what you already have listed, but goes a little more into specifics.

Background Image Stuff

body { background-color: #000000; background-image: url("YOUR URL HERE"); background-size: 95%; background-position: top 95% center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } *note this will depend on your particular image! This helps size and center it.

Hide Contest Buttons

#announcements a[href="/contest/contest"] { display: none; } #announcements a[href="/contest/contest/vote"] { display: none; }

Hide Tournament

#announcements a[href="/tournament"] { display: none; }

Hide Egg Timer Countdown

.party>[data-pid]>.expbar>span>span {display:none}

Hide Berry Border

.party>div:hover>.action a[data-berry]::after {border-color:transparent}

Center Tool Tip

.tooltip_content { left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); } *This can also be used in templates

Change Color of Hovered Link

a:link { color:#000099; } a:visited { color:#000080; } a:hover { color:#0000cc; } *this can also be used in templates
Also, I use this site if I want to pull colors from a particular image. It's super great and I love it.
Collecting summon_hoo.png summon_cre.png summon_ray.png
Corviknight's AvatarCorviknight
Corviknight's Avatar
Ah, thank you! I'll add some of the specific things in, I see them asked about quite frequently. ^^
Doomfist's AvatarDoomfist
Doomfist's Avatar
Uh so I tried using the thing to change the absol head to a Hitmonchan head and it didn’t work?
Seleknight's AvatarSeleknight
Seleknight's Avatar
I am trying to change it to Jigglypuff using the shuffle art but I am having difficulty changing it too. Any one fix this?
BrinnaSilvio's AvatarBrinnaSilvio
BrinnaSilvio's Avatar
Have either of you tried clearing your image cache? That should fix it, provided you're using an https image.
Doomfist's AvatarDoomfist
Doomfist's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by BrinnaSilvio

Have either of you tried clearing your image cache? That should fix it, provided you're using an https image.
How do you do that? owo
Corviknight's AvatarCorviknight
Corviknight's Avatar
I use the code myself and it works, and it's copy-and-pasted straight out of my CSS. To clear your cache on Chrome, go to Settings > Advanced > Privacy and Security > Clear Browsing Data. You don't need to clear your browsing history or cookies, just the cache. The exact steps may vary from browser to browser, but it should be in your settings somewhere. Google it for your browser if you still can't find it. Let me know if that still doesn't work, and I'll take a look at the CSS you have in there.

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