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A Normal Journal

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Pages: 123··· 131415

POLL: Do yall think I should make a new journal? It's gettin cramped here

Total votes: 4

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Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar
Hiya all! My name is Insti and this is my journal. I have been on site for quite a while, so in this journal (totally normal, I promise), I will be showcasing a ton of my stats and a ton of my eevee art!
  • About me
  • Other Shops
  • Click pls!
Score: 0
Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar

Table of Contents:

Page 1: Information + Memories Page 2-3: Eevee Art & Bait Page 4: Goals Page 5-6: Gifts! Page 7-8: Shinies Page 9-10: Albinos Page 11-12: Melans Page 13-?: Extra Pages, will implement more later
Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar

First Shop Code

First Post



Original code by WaterWolf600 | header & hr |free to use

Without BBCode

[sc=bkg][img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png[/img][/sc][ ][sc=text][sc=font][h1]WELCOME TO INSTI'S MINI SHOPPE[/h1][/sc][ ][b][u][i] [/i][/u][/b] [sc=credit]Original code by [url=https://pokefarm.com/user/WaterWolf600]WaterWolf600[/url] | [url=https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer]header & hr[/url] |free to use[/sc] [style] @bkg:#6bff70; @accent: black; @text: black; .font {font-family: 'Jokerman'; font-size: 38px; } .text { padding: 0px 50px 25px; text-align: center; background: @bkg; color: black; font-size: 12px; a {color: blue;} a:hover {letter-spacing: 2px; transition: all 1s; } a:not(:hover){letter-spacing: 0px; transition: all 1s; } .tooltip_content {border: 0.5px solid black; background: @bkg; min-width:1%; width: fit-content; color: @text; font-size: 12px; padding: 5px; } .panel {background-color: @bkg; border: 1px solid @accent; border-radius:0px; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; box-shadow: none; &>h3{background: white; border-bottom:1px solid @accent; font-size:90%; color: @bkg; font-weight:bold; text-align: center; border-radius:0px; padding:5px;} &>div{color: @text; padding: 10px; text-align: left;}} .expbar {padding: 5px; background: @bkg; color: @bkg; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 @text, -1px -1px 0 @text, 1px -1px 0 @text, -1px 1px 0 @text, 1px 1px 0 @text; border: 2px solid @accent;} .expbar div {background: @accent; border-right: 2px solid @accent} .expbar span {color: @bkg;} .bbcode_table {background: transparent; border: 1px solid hidden;} table {border: 2px solid @bkg; padding: 4px; th, td {text-align: center; padding: 5px; border: 2px solid @accent; color: @text;} th {background-color: @accent; color: @bkg;} td {background-color: @bkg;}} table{margin: 0 auto;} .tabbed_interface {border-collapse: separate; &>ul {background: @bkg; &>li {background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border-radius: 0px; margin: 10px; height: 15px; font-size: 12px; min-width: 10%; padding: 5px 0px; text-align: center; &.tab-active {background: url('https://media1.giphy.com/media/tj5v01sQumzCg/source.gif'); border: 1px solid @accent; color: @text;}}} .tab, .tab-active {background: @bkg; color: @accent; border: 0px solid @accent; box-shadow: none;}} hr{height: 14px; background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: @bkg; background-position: center; } } .bkg {height:310px; } .credit {float: right; font-size: 10px; } @font-face { font-family: "Cedarville"; src: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8mk80kku64knd5d/Cedarville-Cursive.ttf?dl=0"); format("truetype");} [/style][/sc]

Second Post



  • Rules
  • Alternative Payment
  • Currency Exchange
1) All PFQ Rules apply! 2) Please give me at least 24 hours to respond to you. (More if I'm taking a break). 3) Please read all rules and posts. 5) Please accept the trades ASAP! I do not want the trades to cram up into my trade centre.
summon_zyg.png Order's Crest = 300k box_dainty.png Any Box = 30k scrapmetal.png Scrap Metal = 30k relic1.png Relic Copper = 25k relic2.png Relic Silver = 50k relic3.png Relic Gold = 100k relic4.png Relic Vase = 200k gem_normal_l.png Large Normal Gem = 150k
5k = 5 = 1 1446530 1327 NFT Please note that I always will have more in the Safe moneysafe.png
Original code by WaterWolf600 | header & hr] | free to use

Without BBCode

blank for now

Third Post



Evolution Stones

Name Quantity Item Price
Dawn Stone 61 dawnstone.png 1000
Dusk Stone 61 duskstone.png NFT
Ice Stone 71 icestone.png 1000
Leaf Stone 79 leafstone.png 1000
Oval Stone 59 ovalstone.png 1000
Shiny Stone 43 shinystone.png 1000
Sun Stone 87 sunstone.png 1000
ThunderStone 55 thunderstone.png 1000
Water Stone 36 waterstone.png 1000

Evolution Items

Name Quantity Item Price
Cracked Teapot 80 teapot.png 1000
DeepSeaScale 73 deepseascale.png 1000
Dragon Scale 70 dragonscale.png 1000
Dubious Disk 70 dubiousdisk.png 1000
Electiriser 89 electiriser.png 1000
King's Rock 78 kingsrock.png 1000
Leek 81 leek.png 1000
Magmariser 91 magmariser.png 1000
Metal Coat 89 metalcoat.png 1000
Protector 81 protector.png 1000
Razor Claw 80 razorclaw.png 1000
Razor Fang 46 razorfang.png 1000
Reaper Cloth 91 reapercloth.png 1000
Sachet 64 sachet.png 1000
Sticky Barb 68 stickybarb.png 1000
Sweet Apple 75 sweetapple.png 1000
Tart Apple 65 tartapple.png 1000
Up-Grade 64 upgrade.png 1000
Whipped Dream 87 whippeddream.png 1000

Special Evolution Items

Name Quantity Item Price
Ancient Power Orb 58 ancientpowerorb.png 1000
Double Hit Orb 86 doublehitorb.png 1000
Dragon Pulse Orb 63 dragonpulseorb.png 1000
Mimic Orb 69 mimicorb.png 1000
Rollout Orb 107 rolloutorb.png 1000
Stomp Orb 85 stomporb.png 1000
Taunt Orb 53 tauntorb.png 1000
Everstone 65 everstone.png 400
Original code by WaterWolf600 | header & hr |free to use

Without BBCode


Fourth Post


Mega Stones

Mega Stones

Name Quantity Item Price
Korokunite Q 1 megastone_koroku.png 200k /200 /50
Farfetchite Q 0 megastone_farfetchdq.png 225k /225 /55
Liepardite Q 0 megastone_liepardq.png 225k /225 /55
Original code by WaterWolf600 | header & hr |free to use

Without BBCode

[sc=bkg][img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png[/img][/sc][ ][sc=text][sc=font][h1]Mega Stones[/h1][/sc][ ][b][u][i] [/i][/u][/b] [hide=Mega Stones] [table] [tr] [th]Name[/th] [th]Quantity[/th] [th]Item[/th] [th]Price[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Korokunite Q[/td] [td][inventory=Korokunite Q][/td] [td][item=Korokunite Q][/td] [td]200k [item=credits]/200 [item=gold]/50 [item=zophan][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Farfetchite Q[/td] [td][inventory=Farfetchite Q][/td] [td][item=Farfetchite Q][/td] [td]225k [item=credits]/225 [item=gold]/55 [item=zophan][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Liepardite Q[/td] [td][inventory=Liepardite Q][/td] [td][item=Liepardite Q][/td] [td]225k [item=credits]/225 [item=gold]/55 [item=zophan][/td] [/tr] [/table] [/hide] [sc=credit]Original code by [url=https://pokefarm.com/user/WaterWolf600]WaterWolf600[/url] | [url=https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer]header & hr[/url] |free to use[/sc] [style] @bkg:#6bff70; @accent: black; @text: black; .font {font-family: 'Bradley Hand ITC'; font-size: 38px; } .text { padding: 0px 50px 25px; text-align: center; background: @bkg; color: black; font-size: 12px; a {color: blue;} a:hover {letter-spacing: 2px; transition: all 1s; } a:not(:hover){letter-spacing: 0px; transition: all 1s; } .tooltip_content {border: 0.5px solid black; background: @bkg; min-width:1%; width: fit-content; color: @text; font-size: 12px; padding: 5px; } .panel {background-color: @bkg; border: 1px solid @accent; border-radius:0px; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; box-shadow: none; &>h3{background: white; border-bottom:1px solid @accent; font-size:90%; color: @bkg; font-weight:bold; text-align: center; border-radius:0px; padding:5px;} &>div{color: @text; padding: 10px; text-align: left;}} .expbar {padding: 5px; background: @bkg; color: @bkg; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 @text, -1px -1px 0 @text, 1px -1px 0 @text, -1px 1px 0 @text, 1px 1px 0 @text; border: 2px solid @accent;} .expbar div {background: @accent; border-right: 2px solid @accent} .expbar span {color: @bkg;} .bbcode_table {background: transparent; border: 1px solid hidden;} table {border: 2px solid @bkg; padding: 4px; th, td {text-align: center; padding: 5px; border: 2px solid @accent; color: @text;} th {background-color: @accent; color: @bkg;} td {background-color: @bkg;}} table{margin: 0 auto;} .tabbed_interface {border-collapse: separate; &>ul {background: @bkg; &>li {background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border-radius: 0px; margin: 10px; height: 15px; font-size: 12px; min-width: 10%; padding: 5px 0px; text-align: center; &.tab-active {background: url('https://media1.giphy.com/media/tj5v01sQumzCg/source.gif'); border: 1px solid @accent; color: @text;}}} .tab, .tab-active {background: @bkg; color: @accent; border: 0px solid @accent; box-shadow: none;}} hr{height: 14px; background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: @bkg; background-position: center; } } .bkg {height:310px; } .credit {float: right; font-size: 10px; } @font-face { font-family: "Cedarville"; src: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8mk80kku64knd5d/Cedarville-Cursive.ttf?dl=0"); format("truetype");} [/style][/sc]

Fifth Post



Box Hunts

Cute Box
Dainty Box
Deluxe Box
Glittery Box
Gorgeous Box
Hard Box
Heavy Box
Light Box
Nifty Box
Pretty Box
Shiny Box
Sinister Box
Box Box
Box Box Box
Gragon's Stash
Total: 103
Each boxbox is 450 or 90 . I do not chase down my customers, but after 2 days, I will PM them notifying their boxbox is ready.

Box Hunt List

Name Quantity Payment Price
DeliciousBread 3 270
salvation 1 450k
CosmosBound92 1 450
Seismicrhino 2 180
IsaacElston 1 90k


Name Quantity Item Price
Relic Copper 32 relic1.png 25
Relic Silver 12 relic2.png 50
Relic Gold (NFT) 4 relic3.png 100

Event Items

Name Quantity Item Price
Tournament Token (Iolite) 38 tournytoken_17.png 60

Summons (None ATM)

Name Quantity Item Price
None 1 summon_zap.png 0
Original code by WaterWolf600 | header & hr |free to use

Without BBCode

[sc=bkg][img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png[/img][/sc][ ][sc=text][sc=font][h1]Treasure[/h1][/sc][ ][b][u][i] [/i][/u][/b] [hide=Box Hunts] [table] [tr] [th=6x1][size=12]Boxes[/size][/th] [/tr] [tr] [td][tip=Cute Box][item=Cute Box][/tip] x[inventory=Cute Box][/td] [td][tip=Dainty Box][item=Dainty Box][/tip] x[inventory=Dainty Box][/td] [td][tip=Deluxe Box][item=Deluxe Box][/tip] x[inventory=Deluxe Box][/td] [td][tip=Glittery Box][item=Glittery Box][/tip] x[inventory=Glittery Box][/td] [td][tip=Gorgeous Box][item=Gorgeous Box][/tip] x[inventory=Gorgeous Box][/td] [td][tip=Hard Box][item=Hard Box][/tip] x[inventory=Hard Box][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][tip=Heavy Box][item=Heavy Box][/tip] x[inventory=Heavy Box][/td] [td][tip=Light Box][item=Light Box][/tip] x[inventory=Light Box][/td] [td][tip=Nifty Box][item=Nifty Box][/tip] x[inventory=Nifty Box][/td] [td][tip=Pretty Box][item=Pretty Box][/tip] x[inventory=Pretty Box][/td] [td][tip=Shiny Box][item=Shiny Box][/tip] x[inventory=Shiny Box][/td] [td][tip=Sinister Box][item=Sinister Box][/tip] x[inventory=Sinister Box][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][tip=Box Box][item=Box Box][/tip] x[inventory=Box Box][/td] [td][tip=Box Box Box][item=Box Box Box][/tip] x[inventory=Box Box Box][/td] [td][tip=Gragon's Stash][item=Gragon's Stash][/tip] x[inventory=Gragon's Stash][/td] [td=3x1][/td] [/tr] [tr] [th]Total: [math][inventory=Cute Box]+[inventory=Dainty Box]+[inventory=Deluxe Box]+[inventory=Glittery Box]+[inventory=Gorgeous Box]+[inventory=Hard Box]+[inventory=Heavy Box]+[inventory=Light Box]+[inventory=Nifty Box]+[inventory=Pretty Box]+[inventory=Shiny Box]+[inventory=Sinister Box]+[inventory=Box Box]*21+[inventory=Box Box Box]*126+[inventory=Ledah's Bawkz]*630[/math] [/th] [td=5x1][/td] [/tr] [/table] Each boxbox is 450 [item=gold] or 90 [item=zophan]. I do not chase down my customers, but after 2 days, I will PM them notifying their boxbox is ready. [/hide] [hide=Box Hunt List] [table] [tr] [th]Name[/th] [th]Quantity[/th] [th]Payment[/th] [th]Price[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]DeliciousBread[/td] [td]3[/td] [td][item=zophan][/td] [td]270[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]salvation[/td] [td]1[/td] [td][item=credits][/td] [td]450k[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]CosmosBound92[/td] [td]1[/td] [td][item=gold][/td] [td]450[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Seismicrhino[/td] [td]2[/td] [td][item=zophan][/td] [td]180[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]IsaacElston[/td] [td]1[/td] [td][item=credits][/td] [td]90k[/td] [/tr] [/table] [/hide] [hide=Relics] [table] [tr] [th]Name[/th] [th]Quantity[/th] [th]Item[/th] [th]Price[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Relic Copper[/td] [td][inventory=Relic Copper][/td] [td][item=Relic Copper][/td] [td] 25 [item=gold][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Relic Silver[/td] [td][inventory=Relic Silver][/td] [td][item=Relic Silver][/td] [td] 50 [item=gold][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Relic Gold (NFT)[/td] [td][inventory=Relic Gold][/td] [td][item=Relic Gold][/td] [td] 100 [item=gold][/td] [/tr] [/table] [/hide] [hide=Event Items] [table] [tr] [th]Name[/th] [th]Quantity[/th] [th]Item[/th] [th]Price[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Tournament Token (Iolite)[/td] [td][inventory=Tournament Token (Iolite)][/td] [td][item=Tournament Token (Iolite)][/td] [td] 60 [item=gold][/td] [/tr] [/table] [/hide] [hide=Summons (None ATM)] [table] [tr] [th]Name[/th] [th]Quantity[/th] [th]Item[/th] [th]Price[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]None[/td] [td][inventory=Thunder Feather][/td] [td][item=Thunder Feather][/td] [td] 0 [item=gold][/td] [/tr] [/table] [/hide] [sc=credit]Original code by [url=https://pokefarm.com/user/WaterWolf600]WaterWolf600[/url] | [url=https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer]header & hr[/url] |free to use[/sc] [style] @bkg:#6bff70; @accent: black; @text: black; .font {font-family: 'Kristen ITC'; font-size: 38px; } .text { padding: 0px 50px 25px; text-align: center; background: @bkg; color: black; font-size: 12px; a {color: blue;} a:hover {letter-spacing: 2px; transition: all 1s; } a:not(:hover){letter-spacing: 0px; transition: all 1s; } .tooltip_content {border: 0.5px solid black; background: @bkg; min-width:1%; width: fit-content; color: @text; font-size: 12px; padding: 5px; } .panel {background-color: @bkg; border: 1px solid @accent; border-radius:0px; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; box-shadow: none; &>h3{background: white; border-bottom:1px solid @accent; font-size:90%; color: @bkg; font-weight:bold; text-align: center; border-radius:0px; padding:5px;} &>div{color: @text; padding: 10px; text-align: left;}} .expbar {padding: 5px; background: @bkg; color: @bkg; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 @text, -1px -1px 0 @text, 1px -1px 0 @text, -1px 1px 0 @text, 1px 1px 0 @text; border: 2px solid @accent;} .expbar div {background: @accent; border-right: 2px solid @accent} .expbar span {color: @bkg;} .bbcode_table {background: transparent; border: 1px solid hidden;} table {border: 2px solid @bkg; padding: 4px; th, td {text-align: center; padding: 5px; border: 2px solid @accent; color: @text;} th {background-color: @accent; color: @bkg;} td {background-color: @bkg;}} table{margin: 0 auto;} .tabbed_interface {border-collapse: separate; &>ul {background: @bkg; &>li {background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border-radius: 0px; margin: 10px; height: 15px; font-size: 12px; min-width: 10%; padding: 5px 0px; text-align: center; &.tab-active {background: url('https://media1.giphy.com/media/tj5v01sQumzCg/source.gif'); border: 1px solid @accent; color: @text;}}} .tab, .tab-active {background: @bkg; color: @accent; border: 0px solid @accent; box-shadow: none;}} hr{height: 14px; background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: @bkg; background-position: center; } } .bkg {height:310px; } .credit {float: right; font-size: 10px; } @font-face { font-family: "Cedarville"; src: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8mk80kku64knd5d/Cedarville-Cursive.ttf?dl=0"); format("truetype");} [/style][/sc]

Sixth Post


Membership (Closed until poll says so)


1) Normal Membership is Free to all, but you need to PM me to activate it. You get one point for every purchase. 2) Star Membership includes 2 pts for every purchase and every month, you can collect up to 20 , depending on how much you purchase at this shop. Star membership gives you 10% off every purchase. 3) Ultra Membership includes 5 points ever purchase, and every month you can get 30% off all items (single purchase). You can also redeem up to 10 , depending on how much you purchase. Ultra membership gives you 15% off every purchase. 4) Limited Membership is only open at 0:00-1:00 and 12:00-13:00 at PFQ time! You can also get this only if I give it to you. With this, you get a coupon for one free item! PM me to redeem it! You also get a 20% off on all purchases and each purchase gets you 10 pts!


Name Price
Normal Free!
Star 5
Ultra 25
Limited 100
Please note that all memberships are one time.
Original code by WaterWolf600 | header & hr |free to use

Without BBCode

[sc=bkg][img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png[/img][/sc][ ][sc=text][sc=font][h1]Membership (Closed until poll says so)[/h1][/sc][ ][b][u][i] [/i][/u][/b] [hide=Description] 1) Normal Membership is Free to all, but you need to PM me to activate it. You get one point for every purchase. 2) Star Membership includes 2 pts for every purchase and every month, you can collect up to 20 [item=gold], depending on how much you purchase at this shop. Star membership gives you 10% off every purchase. 3) Ultra Membership includes 5 points ever purchase, and every month you can get 30% off all items (single purchase). You can also redeem up to 10 [item=zophan], depending on how much you purchase. Ultra membership gives you 15% off every purchase. 4) Limited Membership is only open at 0:00-1:00 and 12:00-13:00 at PFQ time! You can also get this only if I give it to you. With this, you get a coupon for one free item! PM me to redeem it! You also get a 20% off on all purchases and each purchase gets you 10 pts! [/hide] [hide=Prices] [table] [tr] [th]Name[/th] [th]Price[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Normal[/td] [td]Free![/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Star[/td] [td]5 [item=zophan][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Ultra[/td] [td]25 [item=zophan][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Limited[/td] [td]100 [item=zophan][/td] [/tr] [/table] [center]Please note that all memberships are one time.[/center] [/hide] [/sc] [sc=credit]Original code by [url=https://pokefarm.com/user/WaterWolf600]WaterWolf600[/url] | [url=https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer]header & hr[/url] |free to use[/sc] [style] @bkg:#6bff70; @accent: black; @text: black; .font {font-family: 'Chiller'; font-size: 38px; } .text { padding: 0px 50px 25px; text-align: center; background: @bkg; color: black; font-size: 12px; a {color: blue;} a:hover {letter-spacing: 2px; transition: all 1s; } a:not(:hover){letter-spacing: 0px; transition: all 1s; } .tooltip_content {border: 0.5px solid black; background: @bkg; min-width:1%; width: fit-content; color: @text; font-size: 12px; padding: 5px; } .panel {background-color: @bkg; border: 1px solid @accent; border-radius:0px; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; box-shadow: none; &>h3{background: white; border-bottom:1px solid @accent; font-size:90%; color: @bkg; font-weight:bold; text-align: center; border-radius:0px; padding:5px;} &>div{color: @text; padding: 10px; text-align: left;}} .expbar {padding: 5px; background: @bkg; color: @bkg; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 @text, -1px -1px 0 @text, 1px -1px 0 @text, -1px 1px 0 @text, 1px 1px 0 @text; border: 2px solid @accent;} .expbar div {background: @accent; border-right: 2px solid @accent} .expbar span {color: @bkg;} .bbcode_table {background: transparent; border: 1px solid hidden;} table {border: 2px solid @bkg; padding: 4px; th, td {text-align: center; padding: 5px; border: 2px solid @accent; color: @text;} th {background-color: @accent; color: @bkg;} td {background-color: @bkg;}} table{margin: 0 auto;} .tabbed_interface {border-collapse: separate; &>ul {background: @bkg; &>li {background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border-radius: 0px; margin: 10px; height: 15px; font-size: 12px; min-width: 10%; padding: 5px 0px; text-align: center; &.tab-active {background: url('https://media1.giphy.com/media/tj5v01sQumzCg/source.gif'); border: 1px solid @accent; color: @text;}}} .tab, .tab-active {background: @bkg; color: @accent; border: 0px solid @accent; box-shadow: none;}} hr{height: 14px; background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: @bkg; background-position: center; } } .bkg {height:310px; } .credit {float: right; font-size: 10px; } @font-face { font-family: "Cedarville"; src: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8mk80kku64knd5d/Cedarville-Cursive.ttf?dl=0"); format("truetype");} [/style]

Seventh Post



Current Hunt

r.png Prices: 9.png Shiny = 75 d.png Albino = 95 Note: Females cost twice as more.

Hunt List

Name Quantity Gender Payment Price
Ametislady 1S/1A F/F Gold 340gp
Box Box Box Box Box
Box Box Box Box Box
Original code by WaterWolf600 | header & hr |free to use

Without BBCode

[sc=bkg][img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png[/img][/sc][ ][sc=text][sc=font][h1]Hunts[/h1][/sc][ ][b][u][i] [/i][/u][/b] [hide=Current Hunt] [pkmn=eevee] Prices: [pkmn=eevee (S)] Shiny = 75 [item=gold] [pkmn=eevee (A)] Albino = 95 [item=gold] Note: Females cost twice as more. [/hide] [hide=Hunt List] [pkmn=eevee][pkmn=eevee (S)][pkmn=eevee (A)] [table] [tr] [th]Name[/th] [th]Quantity[/th] [th]Gender[/th] [th]Payment[/th] [th]Price[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Ametislady[/td] [td]1S/1A[/td] [td]F/F[/td] [td]Gold[/td] [td]340gp[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Box[/td] [td]Box[/td] [td]Box[/td] [td]Box[/td] [td]Box[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Box[/td] [td]Box[/td] [td]Box[/td] [td]Box[/td] [td]Box[/td] [/tr] [/table] [/hide] [/sc] [sc=credit]Original code by [url=https://pokefarm.com/user/WaterWolf600]WaterWolf600[/url] | [url=https://www.deviantart.com/king-lulu-deer]header & hr[/url] |free to use[/sc] [style] @bkg:#6bff70; @accent: black; @text: black; .font {font-family: 'Chiller'; font-size: 38px; } .text { padding: 0px 50px 25px; text-align: center; background: @bkg; color: black; font-size: 12px; a {color: blue;} a:hover {letter-spacing: 2px; transition: all 1s; } a:not(:hover){letter-spacing: 0px; transition: all 1s; } .tooltip_content {border: 0.5px solid black; background: @bkg; min-width:1%; width: fit-content; color: @text; font-size: 12px; padding: 5px; } .panel {background-color: @bkg; border: 1px solid @accent; border-radius:0px; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; box-shadow: none; &>h3{background: white; border-bottom:1px solid @accent; font-size:90%; color: @bkg; font-weight:bold; text-align: center; border-radius:0px; padding:5px;} &>div{color: @text; padding: 10px; text-align: left;}} .expbar {padding: 5px; background: @bkg; color: @bkg; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 @text, -1px -1px 0 @text, 1px -1px 0 @text, -1px 1px 0 @text, 1px 1px 0 @text; border: 2px solid @accent;} .expbar div {background: @accent; border-right: 2px solid @accent} .expbar span {color: @bkg;} .bbcode_table {background: transparent; border: 1px solid hidden;} table {border: 2px solid @bkg; padding: 4px; th, td {text-align: center; padding: 5px; border: 2px solid @accent; color: @text;} th {background-color: @accent; color: @bkg;} td {background-color: @bkg;}} table{margin: 0 auto;} .tabbed_interface {border-collapse: separate; &>ul {background: @bkg; &>li {background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border-radius: 0px; margin: 10px; height: 15px; font-size: 12px; min-width: 10%; padding: 5px 0px; text-align: center; &.tab-active {background: url('https://media1.giphy.com/media/tj5v01sQumzCg/source.gif'); border: 1px solid @accent; color: @text;}}} .tab, .tab-active {background: @bkg; color: @accent; border: 0px solid @accent; box-shadow: none;}} hr{height: 14px; background: url('https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Z2_50_Percent_Forme.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: @bkg; background-position: center; } } .bkg {height:310px; } .credit {float: right; font-size: 10px; } @font-face { font-family: "Cedarville"; src: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8mk80kku64knd5d/Cedarville-Cursive.ttf?dl=0"); format("truetype");} [/style]
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About Me Templates

Mint Purple

Name: CryingInViolin & Mint Pronouns: She/Her Type: water.pngfairy.png Favorite Color: Blue Also @: Quotev & Wattpad @ Same URL Favorite 'Mon: Squirtle Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Godly Parent: Apollo Fandoms: HP, PJO, Hunger Games, & More! Send Me: Trades, Spars, & PMs! Visit My Trade Shop: LINK NOTE: I am 5 hours behind server time.
Current Hunt: v.pngSquirtle 5s/9a/0m/626hpokeradar.png
Albino Radar
Shiny Charm on 10/31/2020 but no Shiny :C; 11/03/2020; 11/10/2020
(Paused for type-race) Past: m.pngNoibat 2s/2a/0m/346h pokeradar.pngalbinoradar.png Future: 5.pngMale Ralts z.pngDeino q.pngTogedemaru v.pngChikorita k.pngPancham 6.pngEmolga c.pngKecleon h.pngTirtouga
My amazing idiotic friends- u.png v.png j.png l.png l.png 4.png r.png z.png 2.png c.png Go give them some love and some clicks! (Here's a link with all of them: blep blop)
Name: CryingInViolin & Mint Pronouns: She/Her Type: water.pngfairy.png Favorite Color: Blue Also @: Quotev & Wattpad @ Same URL Favorite 'Mon: Squirtle Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Godly Parent: Apollo Fandoms: HP, PJO, Hunger Games, & More! Send Me: Trades, Spars, & PMs! Visit My Trade Shop: LINK NOTE: I am 5 hours behind server time.
First Pokerus: October 12, 2020 Starter: July 31, 2020 First Delta Hatched: October 12, 2020 First Albino Hatched: October 20, 2020 First Shiny Hatched: October 22, 2020 First Melan Hatched: What's a Melan?
~ 9 (Most recent: November 8th 2020 18:15 to 18:30) ~ 1446530 ~ 1327 ~ 333 ~ 200000+ ~ 7 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 5
code* TwoSet Violin gif
oh im borrowing someones code and im fixing it up

Insti Purple

Name: Insti Pronouns: She/Her Type: water.pngfairy.png Favorite Color: White Favorite 'Mon: Zygarde Send Me: Trades, Spars, & PMs! Visit My Trade Shop: LINK NOTE: I am _ hours behind server time.
Current Hunt: r.pngEevee 5s/9a/0m pokeradar.png
Albino Radar
(Paused for type-race) Future: 5.pngMale Ralts z.pngDeino 9.pngZygarde
My amazing friends- Still working on... Go give them some love and some clicks! (Here's a link with all of them: give me a sec)
Name: Insti Pronouns: She/Her Type: water.pngfairy.png Favorite Color: White Favorite 'Mon: Zygarde Send Me: Trades, Spars, & PMs! Visit My Trade Shop: LINK NOTE: I am _ hours behind server time.
First Pokerus: November 10, 2020? Starter: August 08, 2020 Can't Find It ;-; Reward to the person who finds mine. First Delta Hatched: None yet First Albino Hatched: August 21 2020 First Shiny Hatched: Spetember 04, 2020 First Melan Hatched: What's a Melan?
~ 2 ~ 1446530 ~ 1327 ~ 333 ~ 700000+ ~ 16 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 2

Insti Orange

Name: Insti Pronouns: She/Her Type: water.pngfairy.png Favorite Color: White Favorite 'Mon: Zygarde Send Me: Trades, Spars, & PMs! Visit My Trade Shop: LINK Journal: LINK Female Eevees UFS: LINK NOTE: I am _ hours behind server time.
Current Hunt: r.pngEevee 1s/2a/0m pokeradar.png
Albino Radar
(Paused for type-race) Future: v.pngSquirtle m.pngMarill 9.pngZygarde
My amazing friends- v.png 4.png Go give them some love and some clicks! (Here's a link with all of them: Click me!)
Name: Insti Pronouns: She/Her Type: water.pngfairy.png Favorite Color: White Favorite 'Mon: Zygarde Send Me: Trades, Spars, & PMs! Visit My Trade Shop: LINK Journal: LINK Female Eevees UFS: LINK NOTE: I am _ hours behind server time.
First Pokerus: November 10, 2020? Starter: August 08, 2020 Can't Find It ;-; Reward to the person who finds mine. First Delta Hatched: None yet First Albino Hatched: August 21 2020 First Shiny Hatched: Spetember 04, 2020 First Melan Hatched: What's a Melan?
~ 2 ~ 1446530 ~ 1327 ~ 333 ~ 700000+ ~ 16 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 2
code* Tenor Gif
Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar

Old Specials

Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar
Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar
Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar
Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar
Insti's Avatarhypermode-12.pngInsti
Insti's Avatar

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