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Pen and Paper - A Writers Clan

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Loksfjoer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLoksfjoer
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Welcome to Pen and Paper, the writers clan that has been around for years on Pokéfarm. Here we get together to talk about our stories and characters, to share writing tips and of course the things we wrote. Welcome to all the writers of fiction and fanfiction, short stories and long stories, rhymes and poetry. This is the place for you. First a special thanks to the previous leaders of this clan: Clow who created the original clan, DuskAurora who took over after Clow, and HowlingCat who took over after DuskAurora. We owe them a lot for making this clan and keeping it alive. Every clan has rules, and this one is no exception.

The Rules

  1. All Pokéfarm rules apply.
  2. Be respectful to each other. We want this clan to be a safe haven for all writers, where we can talk about our stories and characters, request feedback or just share our excitement about an amazing piece we wrote.
  3. We do not bash any writing. Even if you think something is terrible, you can still give constructive feedback. Be kind and encouraging while being truthful.
  4. No plagiarism and respect the copyright laws. That means you may not copy/paste the work of other people without their permission. Being inspired by something is a different thing.
  5. Fanfiction is okay as long as it is transformative and falls under fair use. Respecting the original creator’s wishes would be nice. A work is transformative when you do something new or refreshing with the original content. (Example from the Pokémon fandom: Ash Ketchum has an adventure not seen in the anime, or we follow an original trainer character on their adventures) A work is fair use is when it’s transformative, but also not commercial (you’re not making money on it) and what you take from the original source is limited (you can’t copy an entire chapter and only make minor changes).
  6. We welcome writers from all ages, so please keep the discussion and snippets/stories you share PG.
  7. While this clan is PG, you can still share your 15+ with the clan and ask for feedback. You can do this by posting the story or the link to the story in the 15+ fanfiction or original fiction categories and post the link of that thread in this clan, but it must be clear where the link leads and the name of the link must be PG. If the feedback is PG it may be given in this clan, otherwise it should be sent in a PM.
  8. If your story contains sensitive topics or triggers, please use a double hide-box with a warning for the trigger, much like how you are supposed to post spoilers. If you link to the story, make sure to add the triggers in the post.
If you have any questions about the rules you may always PM Loksfjoer. So, would you like to join us? Just fill in this form:

writers application

[b]Username[/b]: [b]Native language?[/b]: [b]In how many languages do you write?[/b]: [b]Storyteller or poet? (or both?)[/b]: [b]Original Fiction or Fanfiction? (or both?)[/b]: [b]What is your preferred genre?[/b]: [b]Will you be sharing with us?[/b]: [b]Show us some of your writing![/b]: (in the hidebox please) [hide=Name of your sample] Your sample (500 words max please) [/hide]
For the writers who also enjoy roleplaying: there is a roleplayers clan called Written Adventures
~ Writer ~ Roleplayer ~ Collector of gems, jewels and fossils ~ My shop: Shop of shiny items My clan: Words of creation Avatar made for me by Armarouge
Loksfjoer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLoksfjoer
Loksfjoer's Avatar

Writing tips and resources

If you have more to add, let me know!

Writing Software for the computer (desktop/laptop)

Microsoft Word Google Docs Openoffice LibreOffice Trelby Scrivener

Writing apps on the tablet/smartphone

to be added

grammar/spelling checker and editor programs

online dictionaries for the English language

Suggestions for more software or apps can always be given in this thread or through PM.
Loksfjoer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLoksfjoer
Loksfjoer's Avatar
Prompts and Challenges Looking for a prompt? Here are some places to go:


Events Throwback Thursday: The writing clan is all about sharing our latest stories, but on Thursday I encourage you to look at some of your old stories and share them with us!
Pen and Paper Microfiction and Poetry Writing Prompt What is it? The Microfiction and Poetry Writing Prompt is more of a writing exercise than a contest, but there will be a voting round at the end. The aim doesn’t have to be a story with a beginning-middle-end, although it may be and it’s a challenge in itself to tell a story in very few words. You are free to experiment with literary and poetic devices, explore different types of poetry or zoom in on a literary technique. Go with something you know, practice the things you feel could use some work, or try something new. Feel like some purple prose? Make it as purple as you can. Always wanted to toy with alliterations? Now is your chance. Want to try a 6-word-story? It’s within the word count limits. Funny dialogue, sonnets, haiku’s, … The only limit is the word count. This is for short pieces in which you can practice or show off writing techniques or styles. Another thing you should know: this is more in line with free-writing than it is with planning and plotting: you only have one week to submit something. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I hope to see some unique and creative takes on the prompt, which you can read below in the current writing prompt. General rules:
  • All PF rules apply.
  • No plagiarism.
  • Fanfiction is allowed, but keep in mind that in order to follow copyright laws it has to be transformative, which means it has to add something new to the existing canon.
  • The entry you submit must be written by you and specifically for the Writing Prompt.
  • Any questions can be asked in the clan.
  • All entries will be collected in one post, so please send your entry in a PM to Calle.
  • After the entries are submitted there will be a voting round that lasts for 1 week through a poll. After the poll is concluded and a winner is announced, you may upload the story to any website you desire, but keep it strictly for the challenge before that.
  • The entry with most votes honourable mention in our Hall of Fame.
Rules for the entries:
  • You can take the prompt as broad as you want.
  • Any literary or poetry style is permitted and the entries can be original work or based on a fandom.
  • There will be a minimum word count of 5 and a maximum of 500.
  • Deadline: xth month, 9:00 CET (7:00 game time).
Current Writing Prompt: None Past challenges October theme: Rain September theme: The stars

July 2020 Writing Competition

The Obstacle Course You find yourself in a dark room with three doors. One is made of vines, one is a sheet of ice, one is made of dirt. Suddenly you hear a voice: "With an attack of a Pokémon you can go through one of the doors. What awaits you on the other side? There is only one way to find out!" Contest parameters:
  • Your main character can be a Human OC and their Pokémon partner(s)/team, or a Pokémon (alone or with friends)
  • What obstacles you come across or what prize there is, that is up to you. Have a minimum of two obstacles after the door.
  • Deadline: Friday 24th July, 12:00 game time
  • No word count limit for this one.
Loksfjoer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLoksfjoer
Loksfjoer's Avatar
Pen and Paper Hall of Fame

Winning entry for the July 2020 challenge

QUOTE originally posted by Glad.Silver

Here's a continuation of my Writing Challenge Entry. If anything needs changed, tell me ^^

Something Special

  The three dark doors in front of me loomed like a large shadow over me and my Pokémon. I looked at the doors and then toward my team. Raboot, Chandelure, Greninja, Umbreon, Meowstic, and Aegislash.      I shifted my gaze back to the doors. "I'd think my best shot is the vines, but that seems too easy..." I thought. "I guess Chandelure and Raboot could melt the ice in the other room. The room of dirt seems too much like a trick to me..."  I stood pondering what door I should take until Meowstic went over to a door.      I took a deep breath and then stepped slowly into the room of ice. The first thing I noticed was that wasn't very cold. The ice under my feet crackled and popped underneath me as I turned around to scan my surroundings. There was nothing in sight but the solid walls and floor of ice.   After returning my team, except my two fire types, I started walk. As I continued walking, it was clear that the floor was begining to slope genly downward. I continued on, to the point I was no longer walking, but sliding down the steep ice slope. As the slope got steeper, I began holding my arms out for balance. Raboot hopped onto my shoulder, almost knocking me onto the cold ground. Chandelure floated next to us, doing little flips and spins every now and then.     Suddenly the room stopped with its decline and became flat again. I stopped sliding just before I hit a solid wall of ice. There were no holds, nothing to climb onto, and it was un-meltable, no matter how hard Raboot and Chandelure tried. I sat down and searched through my small bag for an escape rope. "I must've forgotten to buy one..." I sighed and tied up my bag.      As I kept thinking, I realized, the wall may not have hand holds, but Greninja could make them. I called him out. "Greninja, do you think you could help me up this wall with your Water Shurikens?" I asked. He nodded and began to form the stars and throw them into the ice. "Thanks!" I said as I began to climb the tall structure.      Upon reaching the top, I realized it wasn't a wall, but a cliff.  "At least I don't have to climb all the way back down..." I thought as sat down to rest a moment. I noticed it was much colder up here than it was down the cliff, so I grabbed the jacket I brought and put it on. I returned Greninja and Chandelure, making sure they'd stay warm, and continued on my trail. Raboot refused to go in her Pokéball, so she stayed with me.      After a bit of walking, Raboot made a noise. I looked up and saw a huge canyon with an old rickety wooden bridge leading to the other side. Raboot ran off and hopped across it with ease.      "Raboot, wait!" I called, but it was too late. The old, worn boards creaked and collapsed under her before she could reach the other side of the canyon. I was too far away to do anything, so I could only watch as she used one strong jump and latched onto the side of the cliff. She struggled to get up, but eventually made it onto the solid ground. I watched as the whole bridge fell, only one side staying connected to the canyon wall.      I looked over to the other side of the canyon at Raboot. She looked upset. "We'll figure out a way to get across, okay?" I said. I then looked at the side of the cliff, where the broken bridge hung down from some stakes on the edge of the cliff. "How am I supposed to get that over here from all the way over there..." I pondered.      I stood in the same place, wondering how to get the bridge back over to where i was, when I realized Meowstic had the move Psychic. "I'm so dumb!" I thought, letting out Meowstic. "Could you use Psychic on that broken bridge so we can get across, please?" I asked him. He jumped into my arms and began to lift the bridge with his psychic power.      I slowly began to cross the bridge, trying not to break his concentration. We neared the end and Raboot ran over to me. She tried to jump up, causing Meowstic to lose his focus. The bridge began to fall again, and me along with it. I pushed Meowstic and Raboot onto the solid ground with my free hand, the other clinging to the side of the shattering cliff of ice. "My weight must've caused the crumbling" I thought, panicking as I began to try in vain to climb up.      The cliff was freezing to the touch, and I had a hard time holding on. I began to struggle to get up on the ground, the cliff's edge still shattering around me. After a moment, Raboot and Meowstic appeared and tried to help me up. Raboot grabbed one of my hands with her small paws, and pulled with all her might. Meowstic, who was still tired from keeping the bridge up, followed her example.      After trying for a while, the two small Pokémon got me up. The cliff continued to break, and I scrambled away, grabbing both Raboot and Meowstic to keep them from falling into the ever-expanding crack, originating from where the bridge once was. Finally, the crack stopped crumbling, and we all collapsed onto the ground, exhausted.      We rested for a few minutes, then continued on the long journey. I began to grow tired again, but exclaimed excitedly upon seeing another door at the end of the large, dangerous room. I opened the door to reveal a small egg. I slowly walked over. It looked like a normal egg, but something told me it was much more than that. Something special... ______________________________________________________      Raboot, Meowstic, and I exited the room, worn out. We made my way to the closest Pokémon Center, barely having enough energy to make it there. We walked in and i went up to the counter, gave Nurse Joy my Pokémon, and promptly collapsed onto the couch.      Nurse Joy came back and looked at me worriedly. She led me to a little room with a bed. I thanked her, layed down, and fell into a blissful sleep. I woke up, feeling like it was too soon to wake. As i sat up, I felt something next to me. I picked up the egg that I had found in the room.      I scanned my surroundings, and soon realized I was no longer in the Pokémon Center. Curious, I picked up the egg and walked around for a while, before seeing a bright, light pink light. I squinted and shielded my eyes with one of my arms. The light disappeared, replaced with a small, pink creature I assumed was a Pokémon.      "Who are you?" I asked it. A soft, quiet voice replied. "I am Mew, the ancestor of all Pokémon. I have granted you an egg, the last one of our kind." Mew said. "But.... why me?" I asked quietly. "I have seen the care you have for all creatures on this planet, be it human or Pokémon. I have seen many of your kind treat Pokémon as nothing more than tools." Mew stated bitterly. "But you have a kind and pure heart, and that is why I entrusted this egg to you. Take care of it..." It said as the dream faded, and I awoke in the Pokémon Center.      I looked around, seeing Raboot and Meowstic sleeping peacefully next to the bed. I walked over to them, gently waking them, then went over to my bag, gently removing the egg and holding it. Raboot immediately hopped into the bag, settling down into it. I returned Meowstic into his Pokéball, and stepped out of the room. I went up to the counter to thank Nurse Joy again, and set out on the journey home.

winning entry of the September challenge

The Stars: You see the stars as bright, glittery constellations. To me, they are sinister, malicious eyes, watching every move, every step I make. To me, they are seeking any explanation for the things I've done.

winning entry of the October challenge

Night Rain: Rain falls on the roof The droplets pitter-patter My eyelids soon droop As the rainfall grows stronger Washing my mind into dreams
Loksfjoer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLoksfjoer
Loksfjoer's Avatar
my form Username: Calle Native language?: Dutch In how many languages do you write?: two: English and Dutch Storyteller or poet? (or both?): Both Original Fiction or Fanfiction? (or both?): Both What is/are your preferred genre(s)?: medieval fantasy and modern-day paranormal/supernatural Will you be sharing with us?: Only my English works Show us some of your writing!:

A scene from my first Pokémon fanfic

"Now!" With all his might Andy threw the Poké Ball to the Hoothoot. And missed. The ball flew past the Hoothoot, who didn't even have to try and evade it, and hit a tree instead. With a silent cracking sound, the Poké Ball broke and fell on the ground. "Darn." Benny started laughing, tumbling down from the sky. The last few feet above the ground he flapped his white wings for a soft landing and on the ground he fell on his back, still laughing. "Don't laugh," Andy told him, but that didn't help. It didn't make the Butterfree stop laughing. "Maybe I wanted to hit that tree, did you consider that?" he asked with a grin.
x Arlecchinø's Avatarx Arlecchinø
x Arlecchinø's Avatar
Username: fevineFollower Native language?: English In how many languages do you write?: i use some greetings for my CH stuff. Storyteller or poet? (or both?): both!! huge fan of haikus Original Fiction or Fanfiction? (or both?): mainly fanfiction What is your preferred genre?: Fantasy is heccin great man, i also do informative things in my free time. Will you be sharing with us?: i mean, if it's PG. Is there anywhere we can find your work?: nowhere for kids. Show us some of your writing!:

School thing/Vent.

Cluck, Cluck, Cluck Cock-a-doodle-doo. Oh farm life How I’ll miss you The big city isn’t a place for you all Even Zinc, despite being small. Cluck, Cluck, Cluck Cock-a-doodle-doo. My best wishes, Despite you’re a roo. I hope your dishes Will miss my kisses Even if you didn’t know they were mine Cluck, Cluck, Cluck Cock-a-doodle-doo. Oh, if only you could see the view. All of you up there, Cheetah, Stormy, and Shorttail Cluck, Cluck, Cluck Cock-a-doodle-doo. For all of you, my few all we say is this: Cluck, Cluck, Cluck Cock-a-doodle-doo. Oh, my chickens, how I’ll miss you. Well this new house seems fine But I’ll miss you all the time. Fiesty with the crime Of biting my toes all the stinkin’ time. But there’s no more Cluck, Cluck, Cluck Cock-a-doodle-doo. Oh, my chickies, how I’ll miss you.
i end up writing about Homestuck(the definiton of "not for kids") or Countryhumans(iffy) half the time, so i wont post here often. i'll throw some pretty awesome writing prompts though!
cy/fev. he/they pronouns. find me at @scorkaji on discord if you need me
King's Shield

King's Shield

Forme-Change Item

(item.png: 0)

A mysterious shield that enervates attackers. Aegislash could make good use of this.

Sells for 500

Lv. 100 — +10,353,695
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness 27%
Calm nature
Lv. 100 — +11,774,358
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Dry food
Happiness 27%
Rash nature
Lv. 100 — +6,303,815
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sour food
Happiness 27%
Impish nature

avatar is official Honkai:Star Rail art, edited by me. pkmnpanel code
selocon's Avatarselocon
selocon's Avatar
Username: Selocon Native language?: English In how many languages do you write?: Real or fictional? Primarily 1, with sprinkling of other languages throw in Storyteller or poet? (or both?): Both, more of the first one Original Fiction or Fanfiction? (or both?): Both, more of first one What is your preferred genre?: All Will you be sharing with us?: Of course :P Is there anywhere we can find your work?: I'm around, on FF.net as well Show us some of your writing!:

Magi Chronicles Ch 4

"Face Stealers are nasty business, Tero, if you do, in fact, have one on your hands, you'll need more than just my sword and magic." That was my fear, even if I called in some favors, I'd still need help. I let my eyes wander the room, coming to rest on my calendar. I was 3 weeks late on my rent payment, and I needed money; my answering machine was blinking; I also had two days worth of mail to sift through. "Thanks, Stirling, I will definitely let you know." I stood up,and flicked my wrist at the door, which swung open, a silent signal for him to leave. As he left, I crossed the room and fire up the coffee pot before checking my messages. The first few were solicitors, the fourth was a novice necromancer who angered the wrong undead or something. The last one, however, intrigued me, I hit the replay button. "Hello, Mr. Din? My name is Vera Chang, I saw your ad in the paper, and I want to enlist your services. I've noticed weird stuff happening involving my kids. Please call me back." She, thankfully, left a call back number. I sat down behind the desk to start writing down what I knew. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and at first I thought it was Sorin, but he was normally much quieter. I looked up to see Michael standing in the doorway. "Tero, I'm sorry, I just-" He began, but I held up a hand to stop him. "I'm not mad about the fire." I said, simply, getting up and pouring myself a cup of coffee. "You aren't?" The guy and his questions. "No, I'm upset about the Rune thing. Remember what I told you when you became my apprentice?" I watched him nod, before continuing, "magic is fickle, even the best practitioners have problems with it. If you choose to commit to training, you need to be willing to trust my word, and know I will not lead you wrong." I watched Michael, knowing I made an impact. I made all of my apprentices aware of that, as I am not patient enough to deal with doubters, I had to keep my head, though, and thus made them all agree to that. "Yes, your word. Not Sorin's, or even Stirling's! I haven't actually learned anything from you in over a year!" Ouch. The kid had a point though, I, personally, hadn't taught him anything in a long while, which was hurting his faith in me. "Okay, what do you wanna know?" I asked, placing my coffee on the desk. "How to defend against Dark magic." I grimaced at his response, it wasn't hard to teach, per se, but there was no practical method that could test if he could do it effectively that wouldn't get me killed. There are 5 laws that govern the use of magic by Magi, and the second one was about harming apprentices. If I even made an offensive move, Stirling would be alerted, and I'd be executed by the blade, as per standing orders from the High Council. If I got killed there was no way the Council would allow Sorin to exist anymore. I spent an hour teaching him proper technique for defending against Dark magic, silently cursing the magical laws. It would be a while before I'd be able to see if he had it down, so I had to trust in his skill with magic. Once I had taught him such, I sat back down to work on this new case of the vanishing children. There were numerous things that could steal children, and a good chunk that would.
Avatar by the best lizard ever, Bananalizard #standwithEMS #ELM
Score: 0
HowlingCat's AvatarHowlingCat
HowlingCat's Avatar
Username: HowlingCat Native language?: English In how many languages do you write?: Just one uwu Storyteller or poet? (or both?): Storyteller Original Fiction or Fanfiction? (or both?): Both but primarily the latter What is your preferred genre?: Fantasy and Adventure! Will you be sharing with us?: Yep Is there anywhere we can find your work?: Not at the moment! Trying to sort out a proper place at the moment since my work is all over the place! Show us some of your writing!: (in the hidebox please)

Immortal Epee

The voice of the Stufful lookalike was progressively getting harder to understand. It was something that made him realize the voice he heard moments ago did not belong to it. As his brain woke him up, the feeling of softness was what greeted him. What he laid on rubbed against his skin like feathers. It tickled his skin and gave him the temptation to return to sleep. Honestly, he would have if it wasn’t for his other senses flipping back on. A fruity fragrance filled his nostrils that was slightly dulled by the contrasting unpleasant scent of what he could assume to be feces belonging to some kind of Pokemon. The faint waft of hay and sweet flowers tangled themselves within the two smells forming into a fragrance that reminded him of home. Faint chatter and little bahs became the voices he heard. They were much more pleasant over the chirping of the doll. His taste..well not much was needed to be said about it. It was just there. He wasn’t tasting anything special. His vision was the last thing to return to him. Of course, he was careful when it came to opening his eyes since the last thing he needed was to be blinded by the damn sun. A low groan escaped his lips as he rolled his head to the side slightly and opened his eyes. Those emerald orbs studied the stone wall that made up the fencing of the farm to his left. From the darkened dirt and the faint lines that ran across it, he assumed that the area that the stone wall fenced off had been recently tended to. He closed his eyes and yawned, feeling his tongue stretched out his mouth from the motion. His body stretched out slightly like a cat waking up after taking a short nap.With a grunt, the male shoved himself into a sitting position and scratched his cheek.
Even though I’m no longer running the clan, I thought I will join the new version as a regular member uwu
Avatar of my oc was created by Flapple! My Journal: [x] My Sprite Dump: [x] Cosmog Sprite Project: [x]
Shazi's Avatarhypermode-12.pngShazi
Shazi's Avatar
Username: Shazi Native language?: English In how many languages do you write?: just english Storyteller or poet? (or both?): Storyteller Original Fiction or Fanfiction? (or both?): Both What is your preferred genre?: Fantasy Will you be sharing with us?: I'll certainly try to Is there anywhere we can find your work?: I have an Ao3 but that's rarely used Show us some of your writing!: For context, in a dungeons and dragons campaign we found a sentient stone who only spoke to one party member. We got rather attatched to say the least

To find an old friend

A noise up ahead made them freeze. Nuala turned to her companion and made a quick gesture for her to go ahead. Glimmer nodded and crept forward silently. It really paid off to have a tabaxi friend, Nuala decided. Glimmer disappeared around a corner and momen passed in silence. Nuala readied her weapon just in case things went south. Before she knew it her companion returned and beconned her forward. "There should be no guards between us and Rolland." she whispered. "we'll get him back." Nuala nodded in agreement and tiptoed behind Glimmer through the corridors. The vault was where they were headed. There was silence, save for the soft clinking of the axes on Nuala's belt as she walked until they finally reached the vault. Nuala nodded to Glimmer before she turned to stand watch. She could here the soft clicking of the tabaxi's lockpick. More silence, the longest minute of her life passed. "Are you done?" she glanced back to Glimmer. "Do you want to pick the lock?" Glimmer hissed back and gestured to Nuala's large hands. Nuala grunted and looked back out into the corridor. Glimmer had a point, she was not made for stealth. "Got it!" Glimmer pushed the vault door open slowly. Nuala entered behind her friend and glanced around. "Rolland?" She called out softly and Glimmer gave her a look. "It was worth a try." she shrugged. "He only attuned to Seymour, we won't hear him." Glimmer shook her head before she started combing through the vaults contents. Nuala followed suit. It was after all the only way they could find the Stone of Galor.
496 Ice Fangs
102 Gray Stones
Mass Click Association - My Shop - Guide to 90%+ Pairs
Signature by Cele, Avatar by Me

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