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Ve3oml's Journal

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Pages: 12

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I THINK I HAVE "CRACKED" THE DAYCARE2024 UPDATE CODE FIND MY RESULTS IN NAVIGATION BELOW! Even a NON Max Base % Pair can yeild OVER 100% to give you a shot at twins!
Currently working on making everything easier here and more Organized, ALL Information That WAS posted here Originally can be found here still I am/Have Just changed things up So navigation is easier for myself, I love hide boxes and all sorts of others!


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page # content
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four words
five words
six words]
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nine []words]
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Avatar is my actual cat when he was a baby,
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ve3oml's Avatar
Any Spelling or grammer errors have been left as Yes I am an Adult But this is a game and not my Life thesus so Spelling and Grammer being wrong in my Journal enteries Do not Bother me! I'm sorry if you choose to read and it bothers you.

Original Journal Content

March 2024

March 20

Post 1 WEll.... here i am.... back again..... i started here 4 years ago (my original journal was deleted) i had a 4 year hiatus felt longer to be honest,between work at the time, school during pandemic, and husband's cancer i really had no time to even get on the site.... I sure am glad to be back though...... I plan on using this journal to record my goings on from time to time... and play around with codeing, let's see if i can keep it organized or if t will be in just as much disarray as my IRL home lol Post 2 Was thinking of a shop But Decided to stick with my living dex hunt/build until i finish or at leaste get VERY close to finishing Post 3 passivly playing and setting up spread sheets for personal use will Probably have links to sheets available on google sheets .... Yes I am a "sheet Freak"

March 21

post 1 made a BIG change today... decided to change up how my game play will work..... already have made a rather large profit (so i feel) and think i know how to work this out I will be ading a few posts here to help me keep track of dexing in a few days.... I just need to try and stop myself from continually buying/grabbing freebies, to fill it, yes i know it is required to play but i will never get a chance to double check my neededs and wanteds if i just continue the way i am..... my dexing plan is as follows....... first dex ALL pokemon and alts...... Then dex ALLL eggsmissing, as i am working on this along side my mon dexing...... I may then look at shinies ect but i need to learn more about those first..... finally I will keep only my prefered Breeders and will sell the remaining of my breeders/singles once I get my main mon dex filled....... I NEED A DITTO THOUGH! post 2 Learned about QoL from PROJECT_W and amped up my game play, still have alot to learn about the QoL BUT DEFINATLY will keep using in the future, had to ask though why the QoL feature of highlighing needed pokemon works in UFT feilds but not free feilds of users, have to waite for reply but that is okay because i should be off to sleep now anyways figured out it was not the needed mon being highlighted but other mon LOL

March 22

post 1 Tried to run a shop but had no intest at all.... all well i will try to sell in the forums if that does not work there is always the market Got my Hyper mode thanks to a discussion Husband and I had, this is awesome! Now to work on getting my Gredit amount up so that I can get more Fields.... Man I am broke lol! got my ditto egg voutcher... ditto on the way buut could take up to 10 days! Post 2 finished my basic Kanto dex, YAY!

March 23

Post 1 Bought some boxes and a box box today.... got a bunch of needed summons BUT put myself in a very hard spot.... Have to figure out how to make more funds to continue this is going to be hard...... Post 2 I will be changing my Journal ENtirely Soon...... Just working out some "design" Ideas Post 3 - Edited on April 5 for some reason and lost other post left with this. For April 2024 My Type race is Ghost, I have a pair of Haunter (just working on Building my male to match level before The type race Begins) that gives a good (about) 75% Base rate,

April 2024

April 5 2024

Post 1 Will be starting my first shiney hunt (without charms as I can not afford these) as soon as my legendary egg that is in my party hatches then will be going hard on my shiney hunt, to give be the best OPtion for my hunt I will be using my Haunter pair (have started with my one Haunter and my Ditto) so that When the type race starts I can just continue right through the race with my hunt, I do not want to use shelter eggs UNLESS i HAVE to I MAY Use shelter to help with my initial 40 eggs hatched for my chain, but have to figure out an easy way to identify gastly eggs in the shelter (some times i am "dumb" and do not remember Post 2 have started first shiney hunt, Real Life got intrestingly crazy tonight so Decide to take a break and Look for Boxes/Box Boxes, Just need a "pick me up" and the enjoyment i get seeing what comes out is soooo nice
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ve3oml's Avatar
I Try To post EVERY day but some times ly life gets crazy and I just don't feel like it! From this point on, IF I have the "need" to update my journal multiple times a day I will just add to the bottom of that day no more New Posts Every day, also I am server -4 hours And I stay up Most of the time ALLLL night so If there is a Big global event (like the Solar eclipse on April 8th 2024) but i journal about it the next "day" it is due to I have not been to bed yet and I struggle to remember what day it is until I go to bed and wake up again As of the Post Dated April 10th 2024, ALL dates are According to Server time not neccisairly Real life. also Have decided to time stamp updates as well.

April 2024

April 9

this journal entry Covers both Today AND yesterday April 8th we had experienced the total eclipse, I am lucky enough to live in the totallity zone there for this event IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! I unfortunatly do not have a device to safely take pictures of the event and do not wish to mess with my own device therefore I just allowed my self to take in the BEAUTY of the Event. I knew It was going to get cold during the event but I did not expect to have to put on my winter jacket and still be cold to the bone! I Finally Got my living dex "inventoried" up to Alola today, it is taking awile but I am pacing myself as it is a BIG project to under take. after the event my Husband was Guest Clicking my Party and out of no where just said "Sign me up!" this took me by surprize but i helped get him up and going a bit, He says he only wants to play a very basic game and that he does not want to get too involved in the game.... but knowing him at some point he will want to get further than just interacting and collecting If you would like to visit him feel free to! he can be found by clicking his user name here =====>ve3wgw<===== After we got him all up and going and after he went to bed I began "Fixing" my Journal here I got the Introduction/Navigation post all set up, and ready for all the good links, I got the Past Journal ENteries All Sorted, and I got this post all ready. it is still a work in progress I am NOT going to finish it all tonight as it is stupid oclock in the morning and i have not been to bed yet, let's just say by the time 2 hours pass The sun will be up again and i will probably be going to bed after that lol....... After a nice LONG sleep (it is now 1:37 IRL time for me) I am back to work on the Journal, I have added my currencies, and alot of my account upgrades into my inventory tracker here in my jounal, I still have to add the folowing catagories into account upgrades: Lab Trade center Aether House Scour Missions Dojo Party Holon Tower MON taking a break as I am starting to fight with the codeing..... I LOVE coding but some times i just have to hate it lol

April 10th

FINALLY got my resolute form Keldeo! BUT i had to sacrafice 500,000 of the 1,000,000 i had saved toward my shelter pass *, all well... I am getting close to replacing it now, i am also ready to evolve my male cosmoem intoo solgaleo, to use him and my lunala to unlock the Athere House, I will need to get or obtain another Eclipse flute to summon and evolve to cosmoem again for my living dex, But I feel it is worth it, I just need to waite till server hits daytime (currently dawn) amd I will be able to evolve open the Aethere House and start getting my ultra beasts toward the completion of my summons only about 8-10 mins left now. Got the Aether House Un Locked, Just waiting for the egg to hatch before I ned to return, at about 08:00 Server time I went to bed (04:00 My time) i Have the following mon in my Party, the egg from Aether House, My 2 Alolan Dugtrio (will be a breeding pair) and my 2 Alolan Golem (will be a breeding pair) I have EXP Locked them for the the night as I only wish for them to be LVL 50 and they are all at different levels and I do not want to miss the notification of them reaching Lvl 50, I Added half of my Delcatty Pair as the other half is at lvl 100 and I would like this pair to match in Lvl heading to bed now, Will update again when I wake up and inform of progress. 16:44 - woke up about 45 mins ago, did some leveling on my breeders, removed the delcatty from my party to work on a grimer and slowking as i only have one of each of these in their respective formes and my ditto is lvl 53 so Working on getting them to level 53, Locked down my hugher level mon in party again because I need to go our for a few hours and un able to play while out today 18:43 - made it back home..... working on clicking to lvl again, have realized once I get all eggs I need for kanto all i have to worry about for my dex is megas and those that require data volums, and totems for Kanto I only need Alolan Raticate totem, Alolan Marowak Totem, Alolan Marow wak(need to figure out how to get this) Alolan muck (going to evo my Alolan Grimer i breed from my current Alolan Grimer and Ditto), Sandy Shocks (need to breed or find a Magnemite or egg, so that i can use my data volume i have on it), and of course all megas (I will breed an egg of every one that can Mega that i do not already have in my "need mega stone" feild, and once fully leveled WIll add to the feild and start the grueling process of finding the Stones)

April 11

03:10 - Right around rollover my mom decided to join! Now 3 of us play! it is hard to be help giding 2 players through the first days of their pokefarm jouney at the same time but I am able to cope..... The worst part is I am trying to explain something to ve3wgw and he just wont listen saying "i know what i'm doing here" so i asked him to explain to me what i was trying to explain to him and he gave me the ASSUMPTION answer not the real answer, My Mother on the other hand shellyfarm allows me to explain things and actually asks when she has a question and does not just assume. On the brighter side I got my Kanto egg dex completed today (My Mewtwo egg is currently in my party for hatching), and I have my sandy shocks, My alolan Raticate is on scours for stickers, I have a Cubone in my party to lvl into Alolan Marowak, I just need to remember when he reaches lvl 28 to put him in the same field as tapu fini for evolving into Alolan Marowak, once I have these All I need are my Megas and I will have a complete normal (non S/A/M Kanto dex!) I had a greate idea as I was Typing the above paragrah, I thought it would be a good idea to create a feild spacifically for the tapu evos as I actually had 2 of each tappu, so I have put my extra Tapus in the field and once my Cubone is ready I can actually put him directly into my Tapu evo field, and once evoed i can toss him in my sticker field (i am about to make that field and toss my alolan raticte in for totem) after that I will be working on getting/breeding/leveling one of every one i need to mega and put them in my need mega stone field. I will Update One more time before bed as I complete what I am working on and Then will keep you informed as to progress. 08:06 - I got ALOT done in the last few Hours! I have both my Alolan raticate and my alolan marowwak on scours for stickers, I have gathered all mon (evolved and to evolve) for my Kanto Megas, and ALL of the following are ready for Mega: Charizard x 2 (for both mega X and Mega Y), Alakazam, Beedrill, Gengar, Pinsir, Aerodactyl, Kangaskhan, Steelix, and scizor. I have the following in my need levels feild for leveling up to final/where i need them for mega Ivysaur for Venusaur, Slowpoke for blowbrow, Wartortle for Blastoise, Magikarp for Gyradose, Pidgey for Pidgeot. I was able to Mega Evolve the following and put them in my sort intoo feilds feild Mewtwo into Mewtwo X I do need ALL mega stones EXCEPT Mewtwo X as I now have my Mewtwo X Raticate and Marowak has made this progress in finding their stickers Raticate Ocean 5/5 Volcano 3/5 Desert 0/5 Forest 0/5 Tundra 0/5 City 0/5 Marowak Ocean 3/5 Volcano 0/5 Desert 0/5 Forest 0/5 Tundra 0/5 City 0/5

non pokefarm related

The reason we went to town today was to get our taxes done and had to take the car to the tire shop, because one tire refused to hold air, Husband was able to drive his car to the shop, while I drove my truck so that we could leave the car there..... we really need to talk to the shop and figure out what happoned tommrow when we pick up the car because, when we called they said the wall of the tire was completly blowen out and un repairable but the tire held enough air to get from home to the shop (a half hour+ drive) and the issue we were having was the tire would pump up but would just leak air over night and not hold the air over night...... IF the car was able to drive to the shop SAFELY from a half hour away HOW was the tire wall completly blowen out???????? any way it is now 08:27 server time (4:27 AM My Time) and I need Sleep, so let's see what tommrow brings..... all we know is it is going to cost $151.00 Canadian for a new tire and the tire had to be ordered in..... How you have a good day/night whereever you are reading this and as i said let's see what tommrow brings
16:57 - just waking up and have noticed the following: my 2nd mew two hatched so sent to my need mega stone field, raticate found 5th sticker in volcano so has been sent to desert marowak found 4th sticker in ocean, my plan today is to work on getting everyone in my need levels feild leveled up and Possibly start working on my Johto egg dex where i can, I am so close to finishing my kanto living dex i can taste it! 21:28 - At 19:46 had to go out to pick up car, tire issue was not as confuzing as thought (see below hid box), Just before leaving to get car I completed my Entire Unown egg and normal mon dex's, all of Kanto mon who can mega form are ready for stones! and still working on raticate and alolan Marowak for totems, Next plan is to go through and breed out/ hunt for eggs and mon Needed for johto as I can no longer do anything with kanto Until I get their Mega stones!

non pokefarm news

so the issue with the tire was..... the metal belt that sits between the trad and inner layer of a tire separated from the 2 layers and caused a Giant Hole in the tread, The inner liner was still in tact (thank god) but the tire it's self was un repairable and we had to buy the new tire no matter what, just makes me wonder why the guy tols us yesterday on the phone that the side wall blew out, it had nothing to do with the side wall, it was all about the belt/tread issue,, this is why i HATE talking to guys about technical stuff they see/ hear I am a lady and they AUTOMATICALLY assume i dont know crap about what i'm talking about....... THANK GOD I spoke to the lady of the shop (husband and wife team) today and explained where my confusion about needing a new tire was.... because one of the men, (very well possibly her husband) talked to me as though I was stupid and just said the side wall was blowen out when he went to the car, when I explained how this made no sence seeing as we were able to drive it there from a half hour away and when we left it still had air, she actually explained what happoned and showed us the tire, and it all made sence...... Let's just say... they learned today that i am not stupid i may be a lady yes, but I have more brains then they made me out to be, my putting men in there place without degrading them, and seeing the look of shock when they realize i know what i'm talking about makes me laugh every time! LOL

April 12

06:52 - I started working on my johto egg and normal dex, then decided To pick up my Gastly hunt, I activated and charged my Albino radar and got an uber charm, Turns out..... I got my very first Albino! check her out! Raticate and alolan Mariwak has made the following progress towards totem Raticate Ocean 5/5 Volcano 5/5 Desert 5/5 Forest 5/5 Tundra 0/5 City 0/5 Marowak Ocean 5/5 Volcano 5/5 Desert 4/5 Forest 0/5 Tundra 0/5 City 0/5 I am heading to be shortly, but I feel I have made Greate progress tonight!

Apr 13

06:32 - mostly prepared for type race since I last updated, not much to say tonight but heading to bed now, Raticate has now reached Totem and Marrowak is taking his sweet butt time Marowak Ocean 5/5 Volcano 5/5 Desert 5/5 Forest 5/5 Tundra 0/5 City 0/5 well have a good day or night!

April 14

04:22 - the start of tr, found out that while in pain (hurt my sholder last night will explain in hide box below) and not up to game par I can easily blow through 90 day care adoptions, and 120 shelter adoptions in the matter of 3 hours, meaning 210 eggs in 3 hours, I REALLY need to find a way to make up enough to get a shelter pass X OR shelter pass * This sucks BIG TIME!!!!! 08:16 - I was able to borrow a shelter pass * from some one to complete my Possible eggs ( not including the lab, but i hate using the lab) got SOOOOOOOO many specials today including my first Malan! i am heading to bed soon after i have a soak for my shoulder.

what happoned to my shoulder

My husband I were out getting some thing called a sonde, has to do with our ham radio hobby........ LONG story short HUsband decided it would be a good idea to drive our 2011 ford escape (essentially a mini SUV) into a deep muddy feild, I had to help him get it out by pushing it, I am pretty sure i pulled ALLLLL the muscles in my left shoulder, then today My mom had asked us to go pickup a free shelf that was offered, the shelf was not overly heavy but heavy enough that my shoulder is extramly sore and the muscles are extramly tight, in a nutshell that is what happoned any way off to bed.

April 15

01:27 - day 2 of TR has started, I had a good solid 3 hour nap before rollover but woke up with a headache, Yesterday My Alolan Marowak Finally became a totem! so all I need for the Living Kanto dex is my mega stones, As for TR I am rocked it yesterday! got a total of 1,770 Points! My Personal goal for the entire week was the 3,000 goal mark for the 15 fragments! WOW! soooooo awesome! In total I now have: My FULL shiny and Albino Gastly Lines Including the megas! 2 of my 4 wanted Melans and 14 extra shinies, 1 extra albino, and this rando that I was not hunting at all kind of want to keep her but was not expecting her and completly took me by surprize lol anyway, Imma take it easy today and hope for another sei day this week, I'm still hunting but not as hard as yesterday, maybe I've lost my drive due to all the gastleys XD i'm thinking aboout changing my hunt but don't know if i have another decent pair for hunting... any way Not sure if i will remember to update later but lets see if i do lol

April 16

18:38 - Written On Mobile and Added here once I had a chance today is expected to be a bit crazy, have things to do, and medical appointments , not sure if will be home for rollover but sure hope so! at rollover starts a wave that will be of great benefit to me, seeing as I am running a mimikyu chain and the vwavewave is fairy, even though I may not be able to go hard at roll over I still hope I can get alot of specials, if lucky a Melan!

April 23

03:57 OH WOW!!!!!! Was not expecting to be sooo far behind on my journal! LOL ..... Well.... Last week was TR and I just went HARD, was very fun but have been taking it easy since! I have been slowly adding to my journal codes that are clearly Missing, also added some pread sheets too.... I am now Looking into how to "pretty fy" my journal, as in ading colors and other special goodies, it is a slow on going process to learn this but I am getting there..... I may have a few LARGE gaps in my journal here as Real life is about to get crazy again as Mom FINALLY get's her cast off today and it will be an adjustment again for life going back to normal, mom may need physio but we will get it sorted. any way back to a bit more coding before i head to bed lol

April 25

02:07 Have decided to do ANOTHER over haul to how I play.... Was trying to do a Living dex but it got out of hand WAY too Fast! so starting to turn to the direction in which i wanna play (WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?????)

Comming Soon!

Comming Soon
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ve3oml's Avatar
This WILL be the area I add all Spread sheets I make for you to use, ALL links are for Google sheets! Just Make a copy for your self If you wish to use the sheets!

found errors?

If you happon to find any Errors PLEASE let me know! For The Dex List(s) I did use an old sheet made by another user and I Updated to include the last few In Galar and ALL of paldea as well as Additional Exclusives, Verients, and PFQ Megas that were Missing, I will do my best to try and keep the dex trackers up to date but PLEASE shoot me a message if anything new comes out and I have not updated within the Month

Dex Trackers

Living dex all and basic regions

This living dex allows you track all basic canon/PFQ mon, shinys, albinos, Malans, and a very basic way to track alternate formes on one sheet! as well as, has broken down JUST the basic canon and PFQ mon into their respective pokedexs
>>>>>Basic Living all and basic regional dex<<<<<

Living dex all and regions

This living dex allows you track all basic canon/PFQ mon, shinys, albinos, Malans, and a very basic way to track alternate formes on one sheet! as well as, has broken down the main big sheet into their repective pokedexs
>>>>>Basic living dex all and regional dex<<<<<

Misc Trackers

Summon Tracker

This Tracker allows you to track weather or not you have used a summon
>>>>>Summon Tracker<<<<<
I Have more spread sheets created on my PC, I will Recreate them In google sheets I have just been way too LAZY Busy to have the time to sit back and actually create them on google sheets. They will come I promise
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Eggs Hatched: Lost count and for got to write down number before I broke chain Status: done Notes: got my FULL Shiny and Albino Lines, and 2/4 Malan, I have gifted 1 Melan to my team Leader as If it was not for them I do not think i would of gotten through! First 2 were back to back in same party on April 7th with Sei Bonus I MAY pick up this line again some time as I would like a Melan Haunter, Genger, and Mega Gengar Hunted: April 6-8 / April 14-15 2024


Eggs Hatched: 692 Status: Done Notes: borrowed a breeding pair from a team mate, got MANY shiny and Albino, kept 2 of each for living dex, and added 1 of each to donations for team race raffle, Looking for my own Mimikyu Pair for hunting purposes. Hunted: April 15-17 2024


Eggs Hatched: unknown Status: Done (got frusterated) Notes: Starting Chain and hunt for honedge in hopes to the find the right pair for next TR where I will be on team steel! also counts for team ghost this month so 2 birds 1 stone, Found my perfect pair! Hunted: April 17-22 2024 2024

Alolan Sandshrew

Eggs Hatched: ??? Status:Preparing Notes: I am Hunting this as part of my May 2024 TR Hunted: ???????


Eggs Hatched: ??? Status:????? Notes: ????? Hunted: ???????

Special Pricing Table

I use this Table for pricing my specials.
Egg EXP (R|S|A|M) Regular Delta Shiny Albino Melan
1,280 1|4|6|200 5,000 5 1 20,000 20 4 30,000 30 6 1mil 1,000 200
2,560 2|8|12|400 10,000 10 2 40,000 40 8 60,000 60 12 2mil 2,000 400
3,840 3|12|18|600 15,000 15 3 60,000 60 12 90,000 90 18 3mil 3,000 600
5,120 4|16|24|800 20,000 20 4 80,000 80 16 120,000 120 24 4mil 4,000 800
6,400 5|20|30|1,000 25,000 25 5 100,000 100 20 150,000 150 30 5mil 5,000 1,000
7,680 6|24|36|1,200 30,000 30 6 120,000 120 24 180,000 180 36 6mil 6,000 1,200
8,960 7|28|42|1,400 35,000 35 7 140,000 140 28 210,000 210 42 7mil 7,000 1,400
10,240 8|32|48|1,600 40,000 40 8 160,000 160 32 240,000 240 48 8mil 8,000 1,600
20,480 16|64|96|3,200 80,000 80 16 320,000 320 64 480,000 480 96 16mil 16,000 3,200
30,720 24|96|144|4,800 120,000 120 24 480,000 480 96 720,000 720 144 24mil 24,000 4,800
Table created by Minjoo


This is my Bingo Card, I Have spot for each of my Wished for for Example, Shiny Gastly, Albino Gastly, and Melan Gastly All Have their own Squares!
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ve3oml's Avatar
Any Spot in table labled "DNP" means I did not participate all signature badges found HERE

Type Race History

hover over each type to see total points and what i hunted that week
2024 2025
January DNP
February DNP
March ghost.png
Hunt - Gastley/Mimikyu/Honedge |Points - 6433
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ve3oml's Avatar
All Inventory items have tool Tips so you can hover if not sure what it is!


This is my Current Onhand Currency x976,500 x1,395 x230 This is The currency I have in my Money safe and what I am saving for 0 x0 x0

Account Upgrades




Shelter Pass C
Shelter Pass B
Shelter Pass A
Shelter Pass s
Shelter Pass X
Shelter Pass ★
Black Flute
White Flute


DayCare EXP Booster
Matchup Checker
DayCare Pass
DayCare Pass x10
DayCare Pass x60
Destiny Knot


28 Day Hypermode Voucher
180 Day Hypermode Voucher
365 Day Hypermode Voucher


PR Memory Stick
Albino Radar
Egg Pass
Dead Shiny Charm
Shiny Charm

Egg Supplier

Egg Supplier Pass
Ditto Egg Voucher


Legendary Seal


Lab Reloader
Lab Speed Boost

Aether House

Type: Null egg voucher

Scour Missions

Scour Boost
scour slot


Extra Training Bag

GP Vouchers

100GP Voucher
550GP voucher
1,250GP Voucher


EXP. Share
Lucky Egg
Super Lucky Egg

Holon Tower

Delta Voucher X
Delta Voucher C
Delta Voucher M
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ve3oml's Avatar
Daycare 2024 Update "Breakdown" In Each Hide box Below I have information (from my being confused and talking with others which Have explaind Various parts of the compatibility changes to me) as well as examples that I have Compiled ALL into one spot, I have not mentioned ANY of the users I have spoken to in PM Regarding This update BUT I have included quotes from main update announcement Thread (the compatibility portion) which the main post of thread can be found >>>>>HERE<<<<< Let's start With the Quotes and Explanations

Thread Quotes and Explanations

Compatibility Changes

What is SC?

Under Current System Details Neit Mentions (this is a little hidden in the post unless spacifically looking for it)


"Species Compatibility" (SC)
This is refering to Percentages the SC number is Percentage for example, the current Max Happy boost is 20% OR +20 SC

New Base percentages

Neit Mentiones The following


This means that two individuals of the same species - who would automatically get the full 26 SC from everything matching up - will have a base compatibility of 36 SC while members of the same evolution family (but at different stages) can get up to 34 SC if the evolution is a relatively minor change
To further explain this it means that the "starting point" of base Compatibility of the pair is the same species/evolution in the line will be 36 SC instead of the current 26 sc, and if the evolution diferences are one or 2 above or below eachother it will fluctuate this percentage between 36 SC (perfect match) and 34 SC (Opposite ends of the evolution Line) This Used to (currently is) an issue with trying to pair up for Max % BUT It will not be an Issue in the Update as If you breed at different evolutions, then evolve to match evolutions, The Daycare will adjust the base % Accordingly

Adding Natures into Compatibility

Neit Gives Us the following Information


Nature will be added to compatibility calculations: - If the Pokémon have a shared preference in their Natures, +8 SC - If the Pokémon have a shared dislike in their Natures, +6 SC - These effects stack: if they are the exact same Nature, +14 SC total.
This information is pretty streight forward, BUT if you are Unsure where you can find the information "at a glance" on Natures and Preferences You can find that information on the Wiki >>>>>HERE<<<<< Below is a screenshot of the chart given To read this chart is actually easier than it Looks, In The center is all the Natures, to The left is a list of all flavours with a "+" in front these are the berry preferences, and at the top is the flavours again but with a "-" in front these are the berry dislikes.

Overall Base Compatibility

At the end of the Compatibility changes section Neit states the following overview


This means that the maximum base compatibility of a pair will be two individuals of the same species (or anyone with Ditto) having the same Nature, yielding 80% compatibility. Yes this is lower than the current max of 99%.
I Have examples Below to help show/explain this and to help show/explain WHY base % will not Neccisarily mean a Negative when it comes to compatibility. In short You just add the SC/Percentages together to get your base %

Dynamic Modifier Changes

These SC/Percentages had me very confused for a bit! I had thought you just add and subtract as neccisary like the base% but NO all of these are multiplied to each other and the base, for example, You figure out your base then multiply by any of the following modifiers, then multiply that SUM by another modifier then repeat My examples will furthur explain this. You may calculate these in ANY order AFTER you calculate the base % but this is the order I choose to calculate Base * Low Level * Level gap * Max Happiness * Daycare breeding boost,

Twin eggs

This part HAD confused me for some time so thought to mention it here..... Neit Mentions


if the dynamic modifiers bring a couple to over 100% compatibility, then the "excess" will become a chance of a double breeding chance. This can yield "twin eggs", and such a twin will be referenced on the Summary page, under the parents. Imagine the rarity value of a pair of Twin Shinies, and beyond!
This Means That if you have a TOTAL Breeding % of let's say 110% then you have a 10% chance of getting TWO eggs from a single breeeding cycle

Low Level and Level Gap

Neit simply says


- Low level / level gap modifiers aren't changing.
This simply means there are NO changes to the Current Level Gap and Low Level Modifiers in other words the following still apply -1 SC for every Level Apart the pair are and -1 SC for every level BELOW 50 that the partner is. Low level Equasion = 1-low lwvel as a decimal for example a 5 lvl gap between the lvl of the pokemon that is UNDER lvl 50 and Lvl 50 would be calculatesd as 1-0.05 = 0.95 Level Gap Equasion = 1- Level gap as a decimmal for example a 10 lvl gap between the pair would be calculated as 1-0.10 = 0.90 Essentially the only Numbers That will change are these percentages and the base percentage

Max Happiness

Neit States the following


- Happiness modifier will be based on the fourth-root, not the log-10, of happiness, and scaled so that "default happiness" (70) is the fixed-point. Notably, this buffs a max-happiness couple from a +20% bonus to about a +38% bonus!
This is fairly streight forward but hey it's more happiness for me to max out my happiness! NOTE! This is a Multiplictive % so you base this off of the sume of your previous calculation and calculated as 1+0.38 = 1.38 with the new daycare removing the "non happy pentalty" (the -8% for not max happy) this will just not play a factor when calculating the total percentage.

Daycare Breeding Boost

This is a Key item that can be found in your inventory you receive it as a rank rewared when you rank up to Elite Rank. Neit has stated


- The Daycare Breeding Boost from Rank Rewards will be activated, adding a +20% bonus.
This means that this is FINALLY (i'm soo happy) being "activated" and will give an ADDITIONAL +20 SC Perminatly YAY! again Once you have this it is also calculated Based Off of the sume of your previous calculation and calculated as 1+0.20 = 1.20

Total % Equasion

The different Sections here are broken down above as well as You can see working examples below With Max Happy and Daycare Breeding Boost Base * (1-low level as a decimal) * (1-Level Gap as a Decimal) * (1+0.38) * (1+0.20) Without Max Happy but with Daycare Breeding Boost Base * (1-low level as a decimal) * (1-Level Gap as a Decimal) * (1+0.20)


Below are A List of different Situations when It comes to my Breeding Pairs Before and after the Update

Different Natures

Lvl 50+ with Max Happiness

For this example let's use my current Base 95% Aegislash Breeding Pair here are my stats on them from the day care: NOW Let's get to what they will be after the update Starting SC = 36 sc Same Species = +10 sc Shared Berry Preferece = +8 SC OT Bonus = +20 SC This gives a total of a base of 74 SC (74%) when I add the dynamic Modifyers It will Look Something Like this Max Happiness = +38 sc = 1+0.38 = 1.38 Daycare Breeding Boost = +20 sc = 1+0.20 = 1.20 So the final equasion would be 74 * 1.38 * 1.20 = 123 sc = 123%

Under Lvl 50 with Max Happiness

For this example Let's use my 93% Arcanine Breeding Pair NOW Let's get to what they will be after the update Starting SC = 36 sc Same Species = +10 sc Shared Berry Dislike = +6 SC OT Bonus = +20 SC This gives a total of a base of 72 SC (72%) when I add the dynamic Modifyers low level= -13 sc = 1-0.13 = 0.87 Level Gap = -50 sc = 1-0.50 = 0.50 Max Happiness = +38 SC = 1+0.38 = 1.38 Daycare Breeding Boost = +20 sc = 1+0.20 = 1.20 The final equasion would be 72 * 0.87 * 0.50 * 1.38 * 1.20 = 52%

Lvl 50+ Without Max Happiness

For This example let's use my 93% Cloyster Pair Here are my stats before the update Streight out of the Day care: Now let's see what these will be after the update: Same Species = 36 SC Same EVolution = +10 sc Seeing as They do not share a preference or dislike there is no Bonus for this OT Bonus = +20 sc This gives a total Base of 66 SC (66%0 And Let's Not Forget the Dynamic Modifiers Daycare Breeding Boost = +20 sc = 1+0.20 = 1.20 This will be the final equasion 66 * 1.20 = 79%

Under Lvl 50 Without Max Happiness

For this example let's use my 91% Golem Pair This is my States In the daycare before the update: Now let's take a look at what they will look like AFTER the update Same species = 36 SC Same Evolution = +10 sc Shared Dislike = +6 sc OT Bonus = +20 SC This gives a Base of 72 SC (72%) Now Let's add those dynamic Modifiers Low level = -18 sc = 1-0.18 = 0.82 level gap = -18 sc = 1-0.18 = 0.82 Day care Breeding Boost = +20 sc = 1+0.20 = 1.20 This would be the final Equasion 72 * 0.82 * 0.82 * 1.20 = 58%

Same Natures

Lvl 50+ Max Happiness

For this example let's use my 94% Mimikyu Pair Here are their stats before the update now Let's see what they may look like after the update Starting SC = 36 sc Same Species = +10 sc SHared Nature = +14 sc OT Bonus = +20 sc This gives a base of 80 sc (80%) Now let's add the dynamic Modifiers Level Gap = -1 sc = 1-0.01 = 0.99 Max Happiness = +38 sc = 1+0.38 = 1.38 Daycare Breeding Boost = +20 sc = 1+0.20 = 1.20 This will be the final Equasion 80 * 0.99 * 1.38 * 1.20 = 131%

Under Lvl 50 with Max Happiness

For this Example Let's Use my 97% Arboliva Pair Now let's see what they may look like after the update starting sc = 36 sc Same species = +10 sc Shared Nature = +14 sc Ot Bonus = +20 sc This is a total base of 80 sc (80%) now let's add those dynamic modifiers Low Level = -12 sc = 1-0.12 = 0.88 Level Gap = -13 sc = 1-0.13 = 0.87 Max Happiness = +38 sc = 1+0.38 = 1.38 Daycare Breeding Bonus = +20 sc = 1+0.20 = 1.20 This would be the final equasion 80 * 0.88 * 0.87 * 1.38 * 1.20 = 101%

Lvl 50+ without Max Happiness

For this example Let's use my 89% Bellossom Pair this is their stats before the Update now let's see what they may look like after the update Starting SC = 36 sc same species = +10 sc shared Nature = +14 sc OT Bonus = +20 sc this gives a base of 80 sc (80%) Time for the dynamic Modifiers Level gap = -24 SC = 1-0.24 = 0.76 Daycare Breeding Boost = +20sc = 1+0.20 = 1.20 The final equasion would look like this 80 * .76 * 1.20 = 73%

Under Lvl 50 without Max Happiness

For this example let's use my 94% Alakazam pair this is their stats before the Update: now let's the the potential numbers after the update starting sc = 36 sc same species = +10 sc Shared Nature = +14 sc OT Bonus = +20 sc this gives a base of 80 sc (80%) and the dynamic Modifiers Low Level = -27 sc = 1-0.27 = 0.73 Level Gap = -77 sc = 1-0.77 = 0.23 Daycare Breeding Boost = +20 sc = 1+0.20 = 1.20 This would be the final equasion 80 * 0.73 * 0.23 * 1.20 = 16%
As you can see in the Above Examples, Different Nature does not Neccisarily mean Worse Breeders, As My Different Nature Level 50+ Max happy Pair still has potential total % over 100 and only has a 2% difference compaired to my Same nature level 50+ Max Happy pair
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