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Single post in ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Udon wants no disturbance ˗ˏˋ✩ˎˊ˗

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Udon's AvatarUdon
Udon's Avatar

  • Gijinka
  • Code Templates
Below are my archive for the Pokemon Gijinka I made with doll makers. Please refer to the respective post for the credits. (*´꒳`*) Batch 1: 巧樂 堇幽 玉樹 瓊枝 巧克 Batch 2: 紅薑絲 芥茉子 明太子 Batch 3: 宵魄 桂月 希望 Batch 4: 糖粉 糖霜 Batch 5: 闌晦
For my own use. Please don't open for the sake of your eyes!

Hatching Report

[sc=base][sc=title][/sc] [sc=textbox][font="Pacifico"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem. Interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate. Arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean et. Sed faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum. Placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros in cursus. Vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc. Cursus mattis molestie a iaculis. Enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient. Tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas purus viverra. Arcu bibendum at varius vel pharetra. [/font][/sc][sc=credits][font="Grandstander"]Credits: Background from [url=https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/ripped-paper-grid-background-pastel-handmade-craft_17434086.htm?query=notebook%20texture&collectionId=965&&position=23&from_view=collections]Freepik[/url][/font][/sc][/sc] [style] .base {background-image:url("https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/ripped-paper-grid-background-pastel-handmade-craft_53876-128175.jpg?w=826&t=st=1687153932~exp=1687154532~hmac=cdbbdc2ed6bf98c854b48fef4c266d83a36ee83d453476236651fc2320411813"); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: repeat-y; padding:10px;} .title {margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 70px; text-align: center; font-size:25pt; color: #063142;} .textbox {color: #05BFDB; padding: 10px; margin-top: 2px; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;} a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #213363; background: transparent; text-decoration: 1px solid underline #213363; } a:hover { transition: all 0.3s; color: #088395; text-decoration: 1px solid underline #088395; } .tabbed_interface>ul {background:none; display:inline-flex; flex-direction: row; margin-left:-2px;} .party>div {background: #F1F7B5; border: 1px solid #C07F00; border-radius: 6px; color: #9EA1D4; box-shadow: none; &:after { } & > .pkmn:before {background-color: #F9FBE7; border-color: #fcc5c5; } &>.name { &>a.summarylink {color: #9EA1D4; letter-spacing: 1px; text-decroation: 1px solid underline #9EA1D4; padding: 5px; border-radius: 6px; max-width: 120px !important; } &>a.summarylink:hover {color: #b6b8e0; text-decoration: 1px solid underline #b6b8e0} } &>.expbar {background: none; border; 1px solid #C07F00; border-radius: 6px; &>div {border-color: #C07F00; border-right: 1px solid #C07F00; background:#FFD4D4;} &> span {margin: -4px; background:none; color: #C07F00;} } &>.taste {b,i {color: #C07F00;}} &>.extra {&>.nature {b,i {color: #C07F00;}}} &>.action {.berrybuttons[data-up="dry"] > [data-berry="chesto"], .berrybuttons[data-up="sour"] > [data-berry="asper"], .berrybuttons[data-up="spicy"] > [data-berry="cheri"], .berrybuttons[data-up="sweet"] > [data-berry="pecha"], .berrybuttons[data-up="bitter"] > [data-berry="rawst"] { border-radius: 8px; } &>.berrybuttons>.tooltip_content { border-radius: 6px; border: 1px solid #C07F00; background: #fcc5c5; color: #C07F00; margin-top: 5px; border: 1px solid #C07F00; } } } .tooltip_content {border: 0.5px solid ; background: #FFFFE8; min-width:1%; width: fit-content; color: #9EA1D4; font-size: 10pt; padding: 5px; } .credits {font-size:10pt; margin-top:5px; color:#9EA1D4; background:white; border-radius:0px; border:1px solid white; padding:1px 2px; text-align: center;} /* latin */ @font-face { font-family: 'Pacifico'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; font-display: swap; src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/pacifico/v22/FwZY7-Qmy14u9lezJ-6H6Mk.woff2) format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; } [/style]
Tab 3 text
Header img from Sailor Moon Textbox bg img from Nyan-Berri Pkmnpanel code by Mirzam Code by MossDragon
Avatar @Official Blue Archive art in THIS & Signature doodle @me
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